Narconon Blog


Ren in National News
January 15, 2020

How Can We Make REAL Progress on the Drug Crisis in the 2020s?

We have just passed into a new year and a new decade. There is some significance to that. We are saying our goodbyes to 2019 and the 2010s and saying hello to the year 2020 and the new decade of the 2020s. There is much that we need to work on in the new year and the new decade.


Karen in Book review
August 23, 2019

American Fix: Ryan Hampton Says What Needs to Be Said

This new book, American Fix: Inside the Opioid Addiction Crisis and How to End It, addresses reasons for the hundreds of thousands of lives lost and the tough decisions that must be made to stop the carnage. It is an important book for anyone who wishes to understand this national crisis.


Ren in Opioid Crisis
January 25, 2019

How States Are Reducing the Opioid Prescription Drug Crisis within Their Borders

It’s no longer a news story that our nation is struggling with an opioid addiction epidemic. It’s been going on for some time. This is an epidemic that started out with opioid pain relievers, and even though other opioid addictions have cropped up since then, a decent piece of the pie chart that is the American opioid addiction crisis is still comprised of pain reliever addiction.


Ren in Drug prevention
July 3, 2018

A Rising Tide: What We Can Do to Bring Drug Overdose Deaths Down

We need to find a way to reduce the crippling drug problem that is overwhelming our country. Since the turn of the century, the number of Americans addicted to drugs and alcohol has more than tripled, more than half a million have lost their lives from this issue, and hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent on the problem every year in an effort to curb it.