Narconon Blog


Julie in Recovery
March 18, 2021

Ten Tips For Moms in Addiction Recovery (From a Mom in Recovery)

I'll never forget the freedom I felt when I finally began to love myself again and realize that I was worth it, and the best part is that you are too.


Karen in Drug Rehab
April 14, 2020

Which Life Skills are the Most Vital to Gain During Drug Rehab?

Some rehabs claim to teach life skills. But which ones do they teach? And how do they teach them? A rehab with an effective approach to developing life skills is essential if a person in recovery is to weather the ups and downs in life without relapsing. Learn more about the most important skills to develop in rehab.


Ren in Dealing with Addiction
March 19, 2019

Friends and Addiction—How to Help

One of the most common questions I hear is, “How can I help my friend with their drug habit?“ To people who don’t use drugs and alcohol, a substance abuse addiction can seem strange and confusing. Why would your friend continue to use a substance that was harmful to them? Why would they keep putting that concoction of chemicals into their body when it might kill them?


Dianna Re, CAS in Recovery
January 3, 2019

What to Do (or Not Do) When Your Loved One Comes Back from Rehab

My name is Dianna and I am the Graduate Officer at Narconon New Life Retreat . Over the last 5 years, my job has consisted of staying in touch with the graduates of our program to ensure that they stay on the right track.


Ren in Dealing with Addiction
October 24, 2018

How to Talk to Someone About Their Addiction

Let’s have a conversation, about a conversation. More specifically, let’s talk about how to talk to someone about their addiction.


Ren in Drug Addiction
October 20, 2018

Drugs Throughout History, the Current Drug Crisis, and Why We Need to Talk About It

It would seem that year after year, the U.S. drug and alcohol addiction problem has only grown more complicated and more difficult. It always seems like every time we approach a position where we might be able to overcome this problem, another drug comes on the scene, or another issue makes itself apparent to us. There is almost this feeling that we can't win when it comes to drugs and alcohol.