Narconon Blog


Karen in Family Addiction
December 14, 2021

What Would Our World Be Like Without Drug and Alcohol Addiction?

With a little research, it’s possible to estimate how our world would change if we could eliminate drug and alcohol addiction. In this look at the topic, we examine how the lives of our children would improve.


Ren in Family Addiction
January 26, 2020

What Children Learn When They Grow Up With Addicts for Parents

Why do the sons and daughters of addicts experience a significantly higher likelihood of struggling with addiction later on in life? One could argue that close proximity to substance abuse throughout one's childhood gives one the idea that experimenting with substances is "okay" or "normal."


Ren in Drug prevention
January 24, 2020

Risky Behavior and Addiction – Knowing What to Watch Out For

Most experts agree that addiction is not limited by race, genetics, socio-economic backgrounds or level of education. They may be factors, but there is no one smoking gun that always equates to addiction among them. Except perhaps, the behavior of using substances as a solution to a problem.


Ren in News
November 7, 2019

Sesame Street Addresses Addicted Parents and Harmful Effects of Drugs

On the subject of drugs, many parents often don’t know even how to begin broaching this subject. That is particularly true if parents have had little to no experience with drugs in their own lives. But parents see the news reports, and they hear the warnings. Drug use is becoming more common, more dangerous, and more deadly.