Narconon Blog
The Importance of Talking to Kids About Drugs
There are now more street drugs than ever, and people are dying from drugs and alcohol at unprecedented rates, so it is more important than ever that parents educate themselves on this subject.
What Would Our World Be Like Without Drug and Alcohol Addiction?
With a little research, it’s possible to estimate how our world would change if we could eliminate drug and alcohol addiction. In this look at the topic, we examine how the lives of our children would improve.
Why Locking Up Drugs and Alcohol Could Save a Loved One’s Life
To prevent your home from becoming a source of addictive substances for a young person or susceptible family member, it’s important to know all the types of drugs that should be locked away and where someone might be looking for them.
Dextromethorphan: Still a Drug of Abuse, Still Readily Available, Still Dangerous
Despite all the efforts throughout the community to keep drugs out of kids’ hands, bottles of cough medicines sit in many medicine cabinets—cough medicines that can get youth high and even threaten their lives.
Social Media Exposes Kids to Drug Content—Parents Need to Educate Their Kids About Drugs
The rise of social media has brought with it an entirely new world in which the teenagers of today were born into a life of apps, internet, smartphones, and online social experiences that can sometimes be harmful.
Want to Be a New Father? Quit Using Cannabis First
Any man wishing to create a family should know about the harms of using cannabis. He should also be educated on the increased risks of sudden infant death, miscarriage, or even future psychosis. In fact, every couple planning a family should understand the relationship between marijuana and fertility and all the possible damage that can result from a father’s use of the drug.
What Children Learn When They Grow Up With Addicts for Parents
Why do the sons and daughters of addicts experience a significantly higher likelihood of struggling with addiction later on in life? One could argue that close proximity to substance abuse throughout one's childhood gives one the idea that experimenting with substances is "okay" or "normal."
Dangerous and Addictive Substances Are Found in Most Homes
Parents sitting down to educate their children on the dangers of drug use may miss the fact that their own homes may abound with dangerous and even deadly abusable substances. The vast majority of parents want to protect their children from drug-related harm.
Childhood Exposure to Opiates – A Potentially Lethal Crisis for Parents
The opiate epidemic has rocked America and brought on one of the worst national public health emergencies of our time. This crisis has also brought with it a range of unpleasant consequences. New study findings suggest that young people are being taken to emergency rooms because of accidental overdoses on opioid painkillers…
Safeguarding Our Future—Marijuana and Alcohol Use among Youth
The health and well-being of our young people is something to safeguard. Our youth of today are our leaders of tomorrow. An investment in their future is really an investment in ours, too. As parents, we want our kids to grow up to lead successful, happy, and healthy lives.