Narconon Blog


Ren in Drug Use
May 23, 2023

Marijuana and Hallucinogen Use at All-Time Highs for Young Americans

According to the recently published 2022 Monitoring the Future Survey, even though overall drug use did not increase among youths between 2021 and 2022, certain drug types did become increasingly more popular, namely cannabis and hallucinogens.


Karen in Cannabis
May 15, 2023

Want to Be a Successful Student? Ditch the Pot.

Marijuana consumption among high school students is high and among college students is even higher. Many studies reveal that the use of this drug negatively impacts academic performance, memory, attention, and cognitive function.


Karen in Family Addiction
December 14, 2021

What Would Our World Be Like Without Drug and Alcohol Addiction?

With a little research, it’s possible to estimate how our world would change if we could eliminate drug and alcohol addiction. In this look at the topic, we examine how the lives of our children would improve.


Julie in Drug Prevention
December 9, 2021

The Top Benefits of Sober Parenthood

Alcohol is not a necessary requirement for parenthood, if anything it makes the job that much harder.


Ren in Drug Rehab
March 16, 2020

Young Adults are Dieing at an Alarming Rate from Preventable Causes

Dubbed “Deaths of Despair“ deaths attributed to the use of drugs or alcohol and suicides have increased by nearly 400% in the last 20 years.


Karen in Drug Education
January 18, 2020

Dangerous and Addictive Substances Are Found in Most Homes

Parents sitting down to educate their children on the dangers of drug use may miss the fact that their own homes may abound with dangerous and even deadly abusable substances. The vast majority of parents want to protect their children from drug-related harm.


Karen in Drug use trends
December 29, 2019

New Global Drug Report Shows Increasing Use of All Drugs, Huge Growth of Opioid Use and Record Cocaine Production

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reports each year on global drug use and addiction. This year’s report shows that despite the efforts of tens of thousands of people around the world, there is more drug use and loss of life than ever.


Ren in Drug Prevention
August 17, 2019

Safeguarding Our Future—Marijuana and Alcohol Use among Youth

The health and well-being of our young people is something to safeguard. Our youth of today are our leaders of tomorrow. An investment in their future is really an investment in ours, too. As parents, we want our kids to grow up to lead successful, happy, and healthy lives.


Arkansas, Addiction Crisis. Holding Pharma Accountable, and Helping Those Addicted

Arkansas recently made national news when the state’s attorney general sued three major drug distributors for their alleged role in creating and adding to the opioid addiction epidemic. Attorney General Leslie Rutledge claimed that Cardinal Health, McKesson Corporation, and AmerisourceBergen failed to monitor and report highly suspicious shipments of opioids into Arkansas.


Karen in Effects on children
February 16, 2019

Parents: Don’t Let Yourself be Blindsided by Your Child’s Drug Use

Too many parents lose their teen or young adult children to drugs when they don’t even know the individual is using drugs. Learn how to prevent this horrible surprise and possibly save a young life.