Narconon Blog
Drug Abuse and the Devastating Birth Defects It May Cause
It’s tragic every time a person loses their health and sobriety to drug addiction. But it is much more tragic when a tiny baby is born with impairments as a result of its exposure to those drugs. They may suffer their whole lives, and they may even lose their lives as a consequence. Information on what disabilities or deformities may result from the use of alcohol or various drugs may help women of child-bearing years make the choice to maintain their sobriety.
Pregnancy, Drugs and Alcohol: Avoiding Drug-Related Birth Defects
When a pregnant woman uses illicit drugs, drinks alcohol or misuses prescription drugs, they immediately increase the risk of birth defects. That’s why it’s vital to help pregnant women and women of child-bearing age find an effective rehab program as soon as possible. We’ll take a look at some of the risks.
More Babies are Being Born Addicted to Opiates
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of U.S. babies born addicted to opioids has increased by more than three-hundred percent in the last fifteen years.