Narconon Blog


Editorial Staff in News
February 8, 2024

What Is the Opioid Vaccine?

The term “opioid vaccine” has been in widespread use since at least 2019. However, many still do not understand what the medicine is or if it’s really a “vaccine” as one traditionally thinks of such types of medicine. Opioids are not infectious diseases, so how can one be vaccinated against them? Is the opioid vaccine the solution to opioid addiction? Or is it just another replacement medication?


Ren in Legislation
December 20, 2022

New York Next in Line to Settle Opioid Case with Big Pharma

Over the past few years, dozens of lawsuits have culminated in major pharmaceutical companies being held at least somewhat accountable for creating America’s crippling opioid addiction epidemic. Most recently, New York State settled a $524 million lawsuit with Teva Pharmaceuticals. While the lawsuit is a monumental step in the right direction, it’s even more important that those who suffer from opioid addiction receive proper treatment.


Ren in News
December 19, 2022

Health Experts Sound the Alarm Over Allergy Meds Found in Street Opioids

Newly published research has produced evidence of yet another drug risk, i.e., allergy medications being added to illicit street opioids. This development poses an increased risk to users, as antihistamines have a drowsiness effect, which, when coupled with the depressant nature of opioids, is believed to make addicts go unconscious more easily. The result? Experts are publishing evidence that suggests addicts are at higher risk of an overdose when they use opioids that have been mixed with antihistamines. Unfortunately, most addicts have no way of knowing if their drugs are antihistamine-tainted.


Editorial Staff in News
October 18, 2022

Dentists Can Curb Opioid Addiction and Still Help Patients with Post-Operation Pain

New research into a significant change in New York dental practice has found that dentists can stop prescribing opioids and shift to only recommending over-the-counter pain relievers for patients, all with little to no negative effects. The findings may herald the beginning of a welcome shift away from opioid prescribing by dental practitioners.


Ren in Opioid Crisis
April 12, 2022

Tracing A Network of Crime: How Pharma Distributors Acted as the Middlemen in the Opioid Epidemic

In the now two-decade-long opioid epidemic in the U.S., pharmaceutical opioid manufacturers, pharmacies, and doctors have all come under fire for the role they played in the surge of opioid addiction and death. One group, previously unnoticed and only just now coming under investigation, bears mentioning. As reports have shown, pharmaceutical distributors had just as critical a role in the opioid epidemic as other bad actors.


Karen in Legislation
February 6, 2022

A First-Hand Account of The Empire of Pain

For anyone touched by America’s opioid epidemic and anyone who has followed the development of this crisis, as I have, Patrick Radden Keefe’s new book adds to our knowledge of the steps that must be taken to heal from our crisis of drugs abuse and overdoses.


Ren in Legislation
January 29, 2022

Federal Judge Overturns Sackler/Purdue Pharma Bid for Bankruptcy Protection

In an alarming development in the ongoing litigation between thousands of plaintiffs against Purdue Pharmaceuticals (and the Sackler family that owns it), a federal judge just overturned the Sackler bid for bankruptcy protection and immunity. What does this mean for America’s most important pharma lawsuit?


Karen in Drug-Related News
December 23, 2021

New Threat to Watch For: Unwashed Poppy Seed Consumption

Clinicians and families alike may not be aware of the risk posed by consumption of a readily available type of poppy seed. Despite this lack of awareness, this seed can result in addiction, overdose and death.


Ren in Drug-Related News
December 15, 2021

Over 100,000 Lives Lost to Drugs; CDC Finalizes Overdose Fatalities for 2020

The United States just passed a grim milestone, the first time in recorded history when over 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in one year. It’s a painful wake-up call, and a call to action that something must be done about the drug addiction epidemic.


Ren in Legislation
October 23, 2021

How the Sackler Family Got Away with Denying Any Responsibility in the Opioid Epidemic

The litigation of Purdue Pharma/the Sacklers is now over. One of the key aspects of the case that deserves full scrutiny is that Purdue’s owners threatened to withdraw settlement funds if they did not achieve personal immunity. In the end, they won.