Narconon Blog
A New Life Built on Strength
I have not had a drink in 15 years, and I have no desire to start drinking again. I can even be with someone who is having a drink and be happy with my glass of water! I am healthier and can think clearly. I feel like I am somebody of value to himself, his family and society.
Rediscovering Life: John’s Transformation from Addiction to Freedom
My relationship with my mother and father is great, and we remain closely connected. Every year, on January 15th, I have a chocolate cake to commemorate the anniversary of the day I started to rehabilitate myself. My advice to others with a similar problem is to make the choice to handle it. If you know it is time to quit, don’t hesitate, make the decision to deal with the addiction, and go ahead with a program that works.
Alcohol Is the Cause of One in Five Young Adult Deaths
An alarming new study shows that not only do more Americans lose their lives from alcohol-related causes each year than drug-related causes, but an increasing number of those who die are young-to-middle-aged adults. These findings suggest that the American people need to start viewing alcohol as the harmful drug that it is. To do otherwise will simply lead to more harm and loss of life.
The Effects of Alcohol Use on the Senses
Most people understand that consuming alcohol dulls the senses. What is less well known, however, is that drinking alcohol to excess can, over time, cause permanent damage to the senses.
Why Does Alcohol Cause More Deaths in Some States than in Others?
While alcohol is a problem everywhere, it does not affect all states equally. As the drug epidemic has swept across America, so too has alcohol addiction become more severe.—and it seems to touch down with particular severity in certain regions.
Tips for the 2020 New Years Resolution to Drink Less or Not at All
We just moved into a new year, a new decade. This is the time when New Year’s resolutions are at their strongest. People are energized, and they’re making plans for personal betterment. But we all know what happens next. Such resolutions are gradually left by the wayside.
Taxation of Alcohol Does Not Offset the Costs of Alcohol Consumption
A new report in U.S News shed a concerning light on something many Americans have taken for granted for a very long time. For many years, decades even, people have more or less justified the existence of massive , multi-billion dollar alcohol companies for a variety of reasons.
Why It’s So Important Not to Drink or Use Drugs during Pregnancy
It has been common knowledge for some time that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not consume drugs, drink alcohol to excess, or consume tobacco. All three of these activities are not only harmful to Mom’s health, but such activities also pose a risk to her unborn or infant child.
Addiction Is “A Solution” that Becomes “The Problem”
The often false, painful and confusing narrative of how a person becomes addictive is at the center of much debate. For many years, addiction was seen as a problem for the inner city, or the morally weak. Worse, when a person didn't fit this narrative, they were labeled with different terms.
Deaths from Drugs, Alcohol, and Suicide at All-Time Highs
Dying is just a part of the life cycle. But the circumstances under which people die can be significant, especially when avoidable. Death rates from drugs, alcohol, and suicide are at all-time highs. These death rates are higher than they ever have been since recording for such deaths began in 1999.