Narconon Blog


Karen in Family Addiction
October 13, 2022

Return to Healthy Relationships in Addiction Recovery

As a person becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol, healthy relationships are left by the wayside. Why is this? We examine the effects of drugs and alcohol on relationships and what can happen when this person makes it through rehab.



Seeking Help for Yourself While a Loved One Still Struggles

Can a recovering addict seek treatment and create a relapse-free life if they have a loved one back at home who is still using drugs and alcohol?


Ren in Drug Education
July 7, 2019

Financial Disaster and Addiction—A Near Constant Connection

In our efforts to study, research, treat, and understand addiction, it is safe to say that we have learned quite a bit about the subject as a whole. One of the principles we’ve been able to arrive at is that addiction is not merely a crisis that comes out of nowhere and besets a person.


Ren in Opioid Crisis
May 25, 2019

The Opioid Update

Just about every day when I turn on the news, I see some update or media clip regarding the opioid addiction epidemic. Everywhere we look, opioid addiction disrupts our civilization and stains our communities with its toxic hold on millions of Americans. Our country is in the midst of a crisis.


Ren in Drug Addiction
May 23, 2019

Why Are Some Addictions Taken More Seriously Than Others?

The subject of drug and alcohol addiction is riddled with stereotypes and stigma. Our negative view of addiction and addicts is actually a big part of the reason as to why we have such a terrible drug problem. We refuse to confront this problem as the health crisis that it is.


Ren in Addiction
March 20, 2019

Work, Community, Family, and How Social and Economic Disparities Affect Addiction

“Addiction does not discriminate.” How many times have we heard that line? But what if I said to you that addiction does discriminate? What if I told you that discrimination in addiction is part of the fundamental reasons why we have such a cataclysmic addiction problem in the first place?


Ren in Family Help
March 7, 2019

Helping a Sibling Who Suffers from Addiction—A Unique Situation

Your brother or sister struggles with drug addiction or alcoholism. You want to help them, but you don’t know how. Maybe you’ve approached them before and they’ve rebuked your efforts to help.


Ren in Drug Prevention
February 24, 2019

Keeping a Sober and Drug-Free Home

What do you think would be easier or would take less effort invested and time committed—helping someone kick an addiction, or preventing someone from ever falling prey to a substance abuse habit in the first place? Prevention is the clear winner.


Ren in Drug Education
January 29, 2019

Is Drug Abuse the Result of Bad Parenting or a Lack of Drug Education?

Wouldn’t it be incredible if a parent could look their child in the eye and know, just know , exactly what was going to become a problem for that child in the future? Every parent wants to set their kids up for a successful and happy life just as much as they can.


Karen in Dealing with Addiction
December 11, 2018

Can You Really Help an Addict Without Enabling Them?

Repeated acts of enabling actually prevent many people from going to rehab even when that is the only thing that will save their lives. Is there any way to get people to stop enabling? On a winter’s evening, a middle-aged woman plucked up her courage and walked into the backyard of her home.