Narconon Blog


Julie in Drug Rehab
February 8, 2022

How to Make the Most Out of Time Spent in Rehab

If you are finding yourself in the position of considering going to rehab or getting ready for your treatment stay, there are a few things to keep in mind while you are there.


Ren in Drug Rehab
March 1, 2019

Why “Online Rehabs” Are a Hoax

Any time our country is faced with a serious emergency of some kind, we all come together to do something about it. But at the same time, certain individuals will always try and find a way to profit from that fear and worry. Such characters have shown up throughout history.


Ren in Drug Rehab
February 14, 2019

Five Things to Look for When Picking the Right Treatment Center

When I was a kid growing up on the family farm, working on cars, barns, houses, tractors, anything that moved and shouldn’t, or anything that should move and didn’t, my dad used to tell me something that stuck with me to this day.


Ren in Legislation
February 9, 2019

Criminal Prosecution For Drug Crimes Should Result in Drug Rehabilitation—Not Jail

There was a recent article in the Washington Post which caught my eye. The report was about county prosecutor candidates competing for votes in Virginia. The article discussed the layered nuances of criminality and drug use.


Ren in Drug Rehabilitation
January 31, 2019

How Could Hospitals Direct OD Patients to Treatment Centers?

Most of the time, when someone overdoses on drugs, they are taken to a hospital which treats the overdose. Of course, this is what happens when the addict is around someone who can call 911. But what happens when the patient recovers from the overdose?


Ren in Dealing with Addiction
December 23, 2018

How Can We Help Twenty Million Drug Addicts Get Clean by 2025?

This morning I went online and typed into Google, “How can we address addiction in America?” As I viewed the results, the first thing that came to mind was how many different strategies different groups were talking about.


Ren in Drug Addiction
December 5, 2018

Addiction Is Everywhere: What Can We Do About It?

Have you noticed that there seems to be more talk about addiction today than there was perhaps fifteen years ago? More than there was just ten years ago? Five years ago? The truth is, addiction is a growing problem in our nation, and we’re not going about addressing it in the right way.