Narconon Blog


Julie in Recovery
October 7, 2021

Things Not to Say to Someone in Addiction Recovery

If you meet someone in recovery, I would advise against saying any of the following statements to them.


Julie in Recovery
September 16, 2021

The Importance of Integrity in Addiction Recovery

There are several reasons why personal integrity must remain a top priority for someone who wants to stay sober.


Ren in Recovery
April 15, 2021

Exercising Through Recovery

It’s long been thought that physical exercise is a healthy activity for recovering addicts. But what does the science say? As it turns out, there’s a growing body of data that suggests exercise helps recovering addicts stay sober.


Living with a Recovering Addict—Dos and Don’ts

Someone you care about just completed a drug and alcohol rehab program and is about to come back home. What do you do to support them? What shouldn’t you do?


Julie in Recovery
December 22, 2020

Motherhood and Sobriety During a Global Pandemic

So while I know I have some difficult times ahead and that these next few weeks are going to be tough, I am grateful that on top of everything else I don’t have to worry about my drinking problem anymore.


Karen in Recovery
April 22, 2020

Why a Change of Environment is an Important Tool in Maintaining Sobriety

For some people, returning to their usual environments after completing rehab can be a serious mistake. A change of environment can be just the therapy some people need to succeed in their new sober lives.


Ren in Recovery
January 30, 2020

The Importance of Sleep in Addiction Recovery

The importance of getting a good night’s sleep is something taught to us as children. And as we grow up, the concept of getting a proper night’s rest develops into a common sense thing which we just sort of know we’re supposed to do.


Ren in Recovery
May 12, 2019

What Can You Do to Build a Better World in Recovery?

Being in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction is infinitely preferable to the alternative of living with an active drug addiction or a drinking problem. But that does not mean that living in recovery is easy or straightforward. No one ever said that it would be.


Ren in Dealing with Addiction
April 12, 2019

Treating More Than Opioid Dependence—Why Residential Treatment Is Critical to Recovery

Overcoming hardships is a part of the natural process of life. I don’t think anyone could say that life is “easy” for anyone. Challenges and obstacles are things we must all face from time to time. It’s just a part of life on planet Earth. Welcome to the show.