Narconon Blog


Ren in Recovery
January 4, 2024

Commit to Getting Clean in 2024

The scope of drug addiction in America continues to expand, and annual deaths from drug-related causes continue to increase. 2024 can be the Year of Recovery, but the family members and loved ones of people who struggle with addiction will need to step in and help their loved ones find and enter treatment. Doing so has never been more important or urgent, as the drugs of today are increasingly potent and often lethal.


Karen in Sobriety
June 1, 2023

The Essential Support Needed After Rehab for Long-Term Sobriety

What support is needed to help an individual transition from drug rehab to a sober life? Family and friends waiting for their loved one to complete rehab may forget that rehab is only the first step on that person’s journey back to lasting sobriety.


Ren in Recovery
April 15, 2021

Exercising Through Recovery

It’s long been thought that physical exercise is a healthy activity for recovering addicts. But what does the science say? As it turns out, there’s a growing body of data that suggests exercise helps recovering addicts stay sober.


Living with a Recovering Addict—Dos and Don’ts

Someone you care about just completed a drug and alcohol rehab program and is about to come back home. What do you do to support them? What shouldn’t you do?


Julie in Recovery
December 10, 2020

The Importance of 12 Step Alternatives

Many different types of people have different needs, which is why it is important for people to have options when it comes to addiction recovery. While 12 Step programs may work for some, non 12 step options are needed.


Karen in Recovery
April 22, 2020

Why a Change of Environment is an Important Tool in Maintaining Sobriety

For some people, returning to their usual environments after completing rehab can be a serious mistake. A change of environment can be just the therapy some people need to succeed in their new sober lives.


Ren in Recovery
November 27, 2019

Getting Out in Nature – A True Benefit to Recovery

The famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, used to go out into the woods to find inspiration for his architecture. Known for his surreal home designs, Wright found inspiration for his homes in places where there were no homes. He found motivation from nature.


Karen in Book review
August 23, 2019

American Fix: Ryan Hampton Says What Needs to Be Said

This new book, American Fix: Inside the Opioid Addiction Crisis and How to End It, addresses reasons for the hundreds of thousands of lives lost and the tough decisions that must be made to stop the carnage. It is an important book for anyone who wishes to understand this national crisis.


Ren in Recovery
May 12, 2019

What Can You Do to Build a Better World in Recovery?

Being in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction is infinitely preferable to the alternative of living with an active drug addiction or a drinking problem. But that does not mean that living in recovery is easy or straightforward. No one ever said that it would be.


Ren in Recovery
March 21, 2019

The Implications of One’s Environment in Addiction Recovery

An addict is a creature of habit, someone who tends to use drugs and alcohol in the same places, usually even at the same time of day. It’s called a habit for a reason.