Narconon Blog
The Connection between ADHD Medications and Methamphetamine
I’ve often heard different drugs as being described as similar to one another. Many pharmaceutical drugs carry the same chemical compounds. Even some street drugs are close to each other. And we all know the iconic similarities of the horrible street drug heroin and our supposedly miraculous pharmaceutical opioid pain relievers. These two are very similar, down to their chemical structure.
The Most Dangerous Pharmaceuticals to Take
For the last twenty-plus years, the United States has been on the receiving end of what might be the worst drug addiction epidemic that this country has ever seen. Everywhere we turn, there is an addiction. Every year that passes, the problem gets worse.
Getting Pills At School One Reason Why Teens Abuse ADHD Drugs
While alcohol and marijuana remain the drugs of choice among teens, prescription drug use is climbing as kids turn to their parents’ medicine cabinets for a free high. Now medicated highs are even easier as kids use their own prescriptions for drug abuse.
ADHD Drug Abuse Increases Among Teens And College Students
High school and college students in the United States are demonstrating less concern about the nonmedical use of Adderall and other stimulants, which are often prescribed for a diagnosis of ADHD, something that has been in question in recent years.
Teens Abuse Prescription ADHD Drugs Too
They’re prescribed to kids and adults who supposedly have attention difficulties, but more and more teens are abusing prescription ADHD drugs. Whether they are diagnosed with attention deficit or not, kids are finding out that these drugs produce a keen high—and bring in substantial profits.