Marijuana Users Suffer Lower Blood Flow to the Brain than Non-Users
A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease examined blood flow to the brain, and it found that heavy marijuana users consistently have lower-than-normal blood flow levels than non-users. That puts them at risk for insufficient oxygen levels in the brain, which can lead to acute harmful health effects.
Marijuana Use Increases Odds for Emergency Room Visits
One of the most common myths about marijuana is that it is safe to use. A Canadian study published in June 2022 dispelled that notion by showing a correlation between marijuana use and a higher likelihood of being hospitalized.
Drugged Driving and Cannabis
People who use cannabis sometimes say that they feel okay to drive after an hour or two has passed. But are they really okay to drive? A new study shows they are not.
Is There Proof that Marijuana Causes Permanent Harm in Adolescents?
Even as marijuana legalization continues to advance across the U.S., there is an accumulation of evidence that marijuana is harmful, (possibly permanently damaging), for youths. What must be done to protect adolescents from a drug that is detrimental to them, one that is becoming easier to obtain?
Cannabis and Pregnancy Don’t Mix
New information reveals a direct connection between negative health outcomes in newborns and mothers who used cannabis while pregnant. Yet even while this information is coming into the mainstream, other research suggests that more women are using cannabis while pregnant than in recent years.
Marijuana Vaping and Getting Kids to Quit the Vape
Every year it seems, there is a new way to use drugs that is even more dangerous than the last. As electronic cigarettes (also called vaporizers) have grown in popularity, young people are now using them to consume marijuana products.
As Legalization Spreads, Teen Marijuana Use Returns
As cannabis legalization efforts have increased across the U.S. more youth begin to see marijuana as non-threatening and usage rates have begun to climb, creating serious problems for this nation's young people.
Young People Increasingly Use Juuls and E-Cigarettes to Vape Cannabis Products
Young people are at a formative, and impressionable time as they come into adolescence and move forward into adulthood. Sadly, more of them are being sucked into a rising trend of marijuana use, particularly marijuana use via Juuls, electronic cigarettes, and other vaporizer devices.
Redefining What Makes an Impaired Driver
For as long as there have been cars, there have been drunk drivers. But now there are not only drunk drivers, there are enough people impaired on other drugs that our law enforcement systems need to catch up with this new phenomenon.
Ten Signs You May Be Addicted to Marijuana
Once you’re addicted, the whole shape of your life begins to shift around to focus on the use of weed. You may not even realize you’ve become addicted. To find out, check your answers to these ten questions.