Narconon Blog


If Substance Abuse Were Eliminated, What American Problems Would Disappear?

Substance abuse imposes severe physical, mental, and social burdens on Americans, contributing to preventable health issues, social problems, and significant financial costs. This article highlights the reduction in injuries, illnesses, and deaths and crime that could result from combatting drug and alcohol abuse.


Editorial Staff in Drug Prevention
July 29, 2023

Summertime Associated with Highest Risk for Teen Drug Use

New research has found that teens are most likely to use drugs for the first time during summer. Parents need to be aware of the unique factors and conditions that put teens at higher risk of drug experimentation during this season, so they can intervene and educate teen sons and daughters before they experiment with mind-altering substances.


Ren in Drug Prevention
July 27, 2023

‘Sense of Purpose’ a Critical Factor in Substance-Free Living

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania surveyed college students and found that the ‘sense of purpose’ factor was a critical predictor of whether college students drank alcohol excessively.


Ren in Drug Prevention
June 22, 2023

Parental Involvement Tied to Drop in Teen Drug Use

A broad study analyzing several risk factors and overall health metrics for teens had an interesting finding. The researchers found that, for teens whose parents were more involved in their lives, those teens had better health outcomes and were less likely to engage in drug experimentation and alcohol use than teens whose parents were not active in their lives.


Editorial Staff in Drug Prevention
March 2, 2023

Talk to Young People About Drugs and Alcohol

With new findings suggesting drug use is more dangerous for youths now than ever before, parents must do everything possible to prevent their kids from experimenting with mind-altering substances. This effort begins by having conversations with kids, and by helping them understand why they should avoid using drugs.


Ren in Drug Prevention
May 26, 2022

Drug “Experimentation” in Youth Leads to Addiction in Adulthood

A long-held point of view has been that young people will experiment with drugs and alcohol because “that’s just what young people do” often maintaining that young people will transition out of drug and alcohol experimentation when they grow older and more mature. New research suggests that this is not the case.


Julie in Drug Prevention
January 25, 2022

The Importance of Talking to Kids About Drugs

There are now more street drugs than ever, and people are dying from drugs and alcohol at unprecedented rates, so it is more important than ever that parents educate themselves on this subject.


Julie in Drug Prevention
December 9, 2021

The Top Benefits of Sober Parenthood

Alcohol is not a necessary requirement for parenthood, if anything it makes the job that much harder.


Ren in Drug Prevention
October 28, 2021

Discovering What You Can Do to Prevent Addiction in Your Community

While the American family is best positioned for helping an addicted family member get help with a drug problem, one could safely say that it’s the local communities that are best positioned for preventing drug addiction from becoming a problem in the first place. What can community members do to keep their homes and neighbors safe from drug abuse?


Karen in Drug Prevention
September 13, 2021

Why Locking Up Drugs and Alcohol Could Save a Loved One’s Life

To prevent your home from becoming a source of addictive substances for a young person or susceptible family member, it’s important to know all the types of drugs that should be locked away and where someone might be looking for them.