Narconon Blog
Is There a Connection Between Drinking Less and Pain Relief?
One study found that veterans who cut back on their drinking also suffered less pain shortly thereafter. Is there a proven cause and effect relationship behind this? It is possible that relief from chronic pain may be yet another health benefit of quitting alcohol?
Any Amount of Alcohol Consumption Can Cause Harm—An Argument for a Sober Life
Why not just say no to alcohol completely? It’s a serious question that many Americans are considering. As it becomes more apparent how harmful drinking can be, many might want to consider swearing off the substance for good. Just because alcohol is legal does not mean it’s safe.
Taking a New Look at Alcohol Consumption
We know that there are unintended consequences of alcohol consumption. We know that drinking alcohol can lead to poor choices, drunk driving, fights, public drunkenness, legal issues, unhealthy sexual decisions, bad hangovers, failed drug tests, career problems, family problems, and so on.
How to Avoid Binge Drinking
There is a lot of information out there about alcohol abuse, alcohol misuse, alcoholism, alcohol dependence, alcohol poisoning, binge drinking, over drinking, and all of the other, many factors that play into alcohol consumption.
14 Things to Do During Alcohol Awareness Month
Maybe you’re accustomed to kicking back with your friends and having a few beers over the weekend. But this month, how about participating in Alcohol Awareness Month sponsored by the National Council on Alcoholism and Alcohol Dependence.
Should the Legal Drinking Age be Raised to 25?
In the last few years, new studies have shed light on the age that young people reach physical maturity and it’s not 18. It’s also not 21. It’s 25.
Are We Going to “Take Palcohol Wherever We Go”?
“Palcohol” – powdered alcohol – was approved by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). Palcohol is the brainchild of Mark Phillips. After years of work, he developed a method for drying and packaging alcohol.
The Battle to Reduce Alcohol Use by Underage Drinkers
Despite laws, despite the fact that many parents warn their children against using alcohol when they are underage, the vast majority of our adolescents drink alcohol. You can see exactly how many in this chart from the Surgeon General’s 2007 Call to Action to end underage drinking.

Young Woman Bravely Decides to Spend a Year without Alcohol
The Huffington Post published an article by a young woman who began to realize that her frequent and excessive drinking might well be creating problems for her. Courageously, she decided to go a year without drinking and see what happened.
Just a Small News Story on Teen Drinking…
But how many lives were saved? In the news, there was a rather obscure piece of news that might have much bigger meaning than you think. On US Forest Service land outside Boise, Idaho, the police broke up a teen drinking party that was taking place out in the woods.