Texas Declares Narconon Day

The State of Texas
WHEREAS, The Narconon program, which is composed of charitable public benefit organizations, offers life-saving drug rehabilitation and prevention services to people around the world; and
WHEREAS, Based on the writings of author L. Ron Hubbard, the organization was founded in 1966 by William Benitez, who then contributed further research and development to create a method to help those struggling with substance abuse; today, the Narconon program is offered in more than 100 residential and outreach centers around the world; and
WHEREAS, Among those are Narconon programs in Houston and South Texas, and these initiatives have helped to relieve the suffering of area residents who have been addicted to alcohol or other drugs, enabling many of these individuals to return to their communities stable and drug-free; and
WHEREAS, Focusing on prevention as well as rehabilitation, Narconon representatives have joined in the battle against teen drug and alcohol use and addiction, developing a series of live presentations for schools and other youth venues, and reaching countless more through videos and DVDs; and
WIIEREAS, Substance abuse is a pervasive social problem whose adverse effects are a deep concern to all Americans, and Narconon has worked to become a significant resource in the national campaign to address this important issue; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That February 19, 2009, be recognized as Narconon Day and that all those associated with the program be acknowledged their efforts to create healthier and more peaceful communities.
Sylvester Turner
State Representative
District 139