Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Brochure Cover

April 14, 2009
Economic Development
Partnership Recognition
Eastern Oklahoma State College & Narconon Arrowhead
In 2007, discussions began between Eastern Oklahoma State College’s Business Training and Continuing Education coordinator and Narconon Arrowhead’s executive director, about how to share Narconon’s successful drug rehabilitation program with other drug abuse prevention professionals and counselors. Cooperative efforts between Eastern and Narconon’s leadership, led to course material being submitted and approved by several Oklahoma certifying agencies. These certifying professional organizations have approved 10 to 15 hours CEUs issued by Eastern. These courses have been successfully offered at two-to-three month intervals since their approval. This non-traditional program has been accredited by the prestigious Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities for over a decade and has recently been granted another three-year accreditation. Narconon is also certified by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services for Non-medical Detoxification.