Congress of the United States Acknowledgement

Congress of the United States
July 18, 2007
Ms. Teddy Chambers NARCONON
As founding Co-Chair of the National Service Caucus, I am pleased to join the National Alliance of Faith and Justice in offering my congratulations on the occasion of the 2007 Rev. Warren H. Dolphus Memorial Gospel Extravaganza.
To volunteer your time to benefit others is a noble endeavor. I commend you for your leadership in honoring the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by supporting the MLK Day of Service/Justice Sunday National Continuum.
You have helped us as a nation to recognize Dr. King as an icon and to recognize the role played by communities of faith through citizen service. Through your efforts, you have helped to assist thousands of men, women, and children who face the consequences of crime and incarceration. Through the PEN OR PENCIL Initiative, you have recognized the urgent need for volunteers to intervene as mentors in the lives of at-risk youth in your communities.
Dr. King once said, “Everybody can be great because everybody can serve.” It is with pleasure that I encourage you to continue to make the difference you have already made in the lives of many.
Christopher Shays
Member of Congress
Fourth District Connecticut