Houston, Texas Acknowledges Narconon

“Leading By Example”
On Behalf of the Citizens of the City of Houston, District B
Whereas, the NARCONON has for 41 years based its innovative drug-free life skills treatment program on the on the research and developments of American author and humanitarian, L. Ron Hubbard, achieving stably drug-free lives for the great majority of its program graduates. In honor of this noteworthy contribution to the field of drug rehabilitation and to the peoples of the world, do hereby declare
MARCH 13, 2007
on behalf, especially, of those families in Texas who have had drug-rehabilitated loved ones returned to them to rejoin society as stably drug-free, ethical and productive citizens.
I hereunto sign my name and affix the seal of the City of Houston this Eighth day of March 2007
Jarvis Johnson
Council Member
District B