Narconon Supported by Reverend

Wayman Chapel A.M.E. Church
Valley Grande, Alabama
March 5, 2006
To Whom it Concern:
It is with pleasure that I explore the opportunities to work with Rev James McLaughlin, my brother in Christ and the head of the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Ministry for the African Methodist Church (AME), the connectional where we both pastor churches named Wayman Chapel AME, just in different states.
Thus far I am very impressed with what I have been exposed to. Just to know this technology has a 40 year history excites me, because it says you have done the work to qualify you to tell the world that the wellness of your life saving technology can help a person live drug-free.
In my efforts to rid the planet of drugs, in my area especially, I applaud the Narconon network and their willingness to establish a Faith-Based component. This component will embrace the churches and allow us to share and spread the word that we can live drug free, as we minister to our communities that this is God’s mercy and saving grace in giving one back their life.
May God continue to bless your work. I look forward to working with Narconon and Rev McLaughlin as we move closer to my becoming a trained minister in the First Step Program, who will also join the ranks of the Narconon family.
Congratulations on your 40th Anniversary, February 19, 2006.
In Christ the best is yet to come;
Rev Joseph Spears
Wayman Chapel AME Church, Alabama