Letter of Recommendation from CEO Californians for Drug-Free Youth

CSAP’s Western Center
For The Application Of
Preventative Technologies
State partner of:
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions
of America
Henry C. Lozano
January 2, 2006
I am excited to hear that you have the chance to welcome a Narconon center near your town!
As the President and Chief Executive Officer of Californians for Drug-Free Youth, I have experienced first hand and witnessed the destruction of lives from the abuse of alcohol and other drugs. I am sure you have as well. In 1974 I walked into a Teen Challenge Center because I needed help from the devastation of drugs and what it was doing to my life. I graduated from Teen Challenge and became the Director for the Southern California Teen Challenge Centers for 10 years.
The Narconon program has a 40-year history of drug rehabilitation and education service worldwide. I am proud to befriend such an organization that has saved so many lives and helped countless individuals to become stably drug-free, ethical and productive members of society.
I strongly recommend that you contact Narconon San Diego, another Narconon center which has become an integral part of a rural community not dissimilar from your area. I am sure that local citizens who have lived around Narconon San Diego for some years now would report that Narconon has had a truly positive influence in their community. I have found Narconon staff and students to be a genuine asset, volunteering their help by working with the elderly, fighting fires, and providing drug education to local schools and other groups. Also, I would like to recommend that you visit Narconon’s website at www.narconon.org.
I would like to see more drug rehabilitation and education brought to the people of Los Angeles County. Narconon is such a valuable and contributing member of the communities in which it operates, I strongly urge you to welcome this organization and its people into your area and to take advantage of their assistance.
Henry C. Lozano
Californians for Drug-Free Youth, Inc.