Houston, Texas Council Member Salutes Narconon

Jarvis Johnson Council Member District B
On Behalf of the Constituents of the City of Houston, District B
On behalf of City of Houston and District B, we salute NARCONON for their vision in working with Rev. James J. McLaughlin, who engineered the concept to launch the first “Faith-Based Narconon “First Step Program” in the country on August 24, 2004. This program is designed to teach and train pastors, youth ministers, organizations and churches on how to help the community get their lives back. We applaud NARCONON on a success rate of 7 out 10 in getting people well and back to living again, we join worldwide in celebrating NARCONON on their 40th Anniversary, February 19, 2006.
I hereunto sign my name and affix the seal of the City of Houston this day February 20, 2006
Jarvis Johnson,
Council Member
District B