Europe, Asia & Africa: Narconon History - 2005
2005 was a spectacular year of expansion for the Narconon network of drug rehabilitation and prevention centers. Worldwide, it is a very different scene than it was when William Benitez started the first drug recovery center in Los Angeles. By the end of 2005, the Narconon rehabilitation technology had been presented to medical and law enforcement professionals around the world and the Narconon drug prevention curriculum had been delivered to children speaking a dozen or more languages. Wherever the technology is applied, in whatever language, it works just as well.
Narconon in South Africa:

In South Africa, the Cape Town New Life Center turned many people in its community into advocates for drug-free lives. First, a group of 24 volunteers learned how to teach young people the dangers of drug use, and then a month later, 19 more people came in for training, including a local minister, the chairperson of the local police forum and a captain the South African police.
Narconon in Australia:

In 2005, Narconon Melbourne developed into a service center for other staff from other Narconon organizations and for people wishing to learn to deliver drug education classes. Students came to Melbourne from Nepal, Taiwan, New Zealand and Mozambique to learn now to rehabilitate drug addicts or keep young people from starting drug use.
Narconon in China:

The President of Narconon International traveled to China in November to teach medical professionals and educators about the Narconon First Step program. He delivered several First Step workshops where the attendees could gain hands-on experience delivering the services that help people safely and comfortably withdraw from drugs. He even gave a workshop at the Shanghai Mental Hospital.
Czech Republic:

In Lipo, a town outside Prague, fifty-five schoolteachers learned how they can help their students stay away from drug use and addiction. Even the Mayor attended the seminar. The Narconon instructor explained how learning technology in the Narconon program that helps addicts learn drug-free life skills can help every student succeed, and pointed out that students who succeed are far less likely to use drugs. One of the attendees commented afterwards, “This was the most professional seminar we have ever had in the city!!!”
Narconon in Sweden:

In March, eleven groups including the staff from the Narconon center in Eslov joined forces to fight drug use. The “Sweden Against Drugs” fair is the most important meeting place in the region for all the organizations who work together to fight drug use and addiction.
Narconon in England:

A new Narconon center was opened in a beautiful Tudor mansion in Hastings, England. The new facilities include a gym, pool room, entertainment room and sun lounge, all surrounded by gardens. Just a short drive or train ride from London, this resource can provide help for anyone in the metropolitan area or surrounding countryside who has become trapped in addiction.
Narconon in Bulgaria:
In Sofia, the Association for Parental Activism (APA) invited the participation of the Narconon center in Belgium. Narconon staff traveled to Sofia to present seminars for parents on how to prevent drug use among the young. Parents were not only taught the dangers of drug use but were also instructed on how to pass this information along to children, and how to get more member of the APA involved in fighting drug use. Attendees included social workers and school directors.