City of Capitola, Mayor’s Proclamation

Recognizing the Service of Narconon of Northern California
WHEREAS, drug abuse and alcoholism are becoming more prevalent in our society, while effective drug treatment is scarce and hard to find; and
WHEREAS, Narconon is an extensive residential treatment center that uses a unique form of cognitive therapy and physical purification to the sixty students they serve; and
WHEREAS, through natural detoxification consisting of vitamins, exercise and time spent in a sauna, students are able to completely rid their bodies of all drugs and drug residues; and
WHEREAS, Narconon offers drug testing, progress reporting liaison with legal professionals and transportation to and from court; and
WHEREAS, Narconon offers the tools necessary to improve an individual’s long-term chances of success in all areas of life; and
WHEREAS, the Narconon program empowers individuals with therapy and helps them realize and understand how they actually have control over their impulses and their environment; and
WHEREAS, Narconon is one of the few centers that works with men, women and minors and their recovery and success rate for graduates of their program is one of the highest in the country, at over seventy percent.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Bruce Arthur, Mayor of the City of Capitola, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby commend Narconon for their dedication to helping thousands of individuals overcome their addictions and empowering them to excel in all areas of their lives and urge all citizens to join in the cause to ensure the well-being of our current and future generations by taking a strong personal stand against alcohol and drug abuse.
Bruce Arthur, Mayor
Signed and sealed this 5th day of May, 2005