McAlester, Oklahoma Proclamation

WHEREAS, on behalf of the citizens of this great city, I am pleased to join the executives, staff and students of Narconon Arrowhead in celebrating September 2003 as National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month in McAlester, Oklahoma; and
WHEREAS, acknowledging September 2003 offers those involved in substance abuse treatment an opportunity to educate the public, community organizations, public officials, and civic leaders about the effectiveness of treatment, both societal and financial; and
WHEREAS, substance abuse and related issues are major public health problems that affect millions of Americans of all ages, races, and ethnic backgrounds and in all communities, and have huge medical, societal , and economic costs; and
WHEREAS, people battling drug addiction can and do recover, and people with substance abuse issues deserve access to effective services they need to recover; and
WHEREAS, thousands of health care providers have dedicated their lives to helping individuals overcome addiction and to the education of the public about substance abuse prevention and rehabilitation issues; and
WHEREAS, Narconon Arrowhead has displayed its dedication toward handling addicted individuals by delivering education services to over 60,000 young people in schools, churches and community organizations, and effective rehabilitation to more than 2,800 individuals including many beds for indigent people, and has positively impacted southeastern Oklahoma by adding jobs and millions of dollars to the local economy; and
WHEREAS, the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment; the Office of National Drug Control Policy; and Narconon Arrowhead invite all residents of McAlester to participate in National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month and join us in celebrating lives saved on Saturday, September 20, 2003, at the Southeast Expo Center.
NOW, THEREFORE, 1, Dale Covington, Mayor of the City of McAlester, to hereby proclaim the month of September 2003 as
in McAlester, Oklahoma, and encourage all citizens to support this year’s theme, “A Community That Pulls Together Can Make A Better Society For All”, by supporting men, women, and youth who are in drug and alcohol addiction treatment and recovery, and their families.
Dale Covington, Mayor
Bobbie Lanz, City Clerk