Heyburn, Idaho Proclamation

September 26, 2003
Whereas, thirty seven years ago William Benitez founded Narconon Program inside the walls of Arizona State Prison. After reading the book, “Fundamentals of Thought” he was able to begin the successful rehabilitation of himself and other inmates addicted to heroin and other drugs, including alcohol; and
Whereas, there are now 105 Narconon Centers located around the world, successfully treating thousands of individuals each year, addicted to drugs and alcohol, by using a completely drug-free rehabilitation program; and
Whereas, Narconon is fighting the war on drugs through drug education and prevention presentations delivered in schools, juvenile facilities and to community organizations; and
Whereas, the staff and the many volunteers of Narconon have dedicated their lives to fighting the war on drugs by helping our future generations keep from becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol;
Whereas, Narconon Idaho has joined this very successful program to service the citizens of Idaho and surrounding states;
Now, Therefore, I, Cleo Cheney, Mayor of the City of Heyburn, proclaim September 26, 2003 as NARCONON DAY and encourage all citizens to support the efforts being made by Narconon Idaho and its staff and volunteers to create a drug free world for our future generations.
Cleo Cheney
Dated: September 26, 2003