Dealing With Addiction Letter of Recognition

Alcoholic Rehabilitation, Incorporated
Arlington, Virginia
November 27, 1981
To Whom It May Concern:
On October 21, 1981 Ms. Margaret Malnati, Executive Director of the Narconon Training Center, met with members of our staff to present some of the basic methods of the Narconon program. We discussed their successful detoxification of drug and alcohol clients without the use of drugs. To a person, we were impressed with the simplicity of the program and the fact that even a person with little training could incorporate the Narconon techniques in treating the detoxing person.
Although we do not normally detox clients here at A.R.I. (we refer them to a medical facility as their condition warrants), on October 24, 1981 a young woman was admitted in serious withdrawal from alcohol and drugs. Her condition was further complicated by the fact that she had been severely battered and it was difficult for us to ascertain which of her symptoms were withdrawal and which were a result of the beating. She was tremulous, staggering with a peculiar gait, had slurred speech and nausea. She complained of blurred vision. Inquiries to local hospitals about admission for detox were fruitless because she has no hospitalization insurance. We decided to allow her to detox naturally, using honey and plenty of fluids.
On Friday, October 26, 1981, the condition of this client seemed to be deteriorating. She could not walk without assistance and we began to doubt the wisdom of keeping her here at A.R.I. I called Margaret Malnati to ask for help. Ms. Malnati came to our facility immediately and instructed me in some of the Narconon basics once more.
We began with the Cal-Mag formula, “Touch Assist” and “Locational Assist.” Ms. Malnati instructed another client/resident on the “Touch Assist” technique to ease her discomfort through the night. We also started her on multivitamins and thiamin. Within 48 hours this client was free of all symptoms except the staggering gait. She was on a normal diet and eating in our cafeteria. She has continued to drink the Cal-Mag formula and is maintaining heavy doses of multi-vitamins and thiamin.
I feel that the Narconon program is compatible with A.R.I. standards of treating the alcohol or drug client without the use of further sedation. The Narconon Training Center will certainly have much to offer the helping community in dealing with the addicted person.
Florence A. Stone, C.A.C.
Senior Counselor, Women’s Program