Drug Education Presentation Letter of Acknowledgement

April 9, 1981
Mr. Gary Smith
Executive Director-Narconon
519 S. Westmoreland Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90020
Dear Mr. Smith:
I, on behalf of Dominguez Valley Hospital, would like to express my gratitude for the support Narconon gave to Dominguez Valley Hospital’s School Safety Program March 16th and 17th. Thanks to Narconon and Mr. John Duff, the program got off to an excellent start.
John is an amiable speaker and his methods of conveying important drug use/abuse information are to be commended. Even though John preferred to deliver his presentation to a classroom audience for many understandable reasons, he addressed groups of 300 plus in a most effective way.
The School Safety Program is aimed towards area junior high schools. Our purpose is to inform this impressionable age group with the latest drug, first aid, poison, and safety material available. In doing so, we hope to contribute to the making of more responsible adults in our community.
As Dominguez Valley Hospital’s School Safety Program is an on-going project, any future support would be greatly appreciated.
Gene Bolger