President of Western Australia Civil Liberties Association recommends Narconon to Mayor of Berlin

Civil Liberties Association of W.A.
Mr. Bruce Bell
8th October, 1980.
Mr. Rothkegel,
District Mayor,
Bezirksamt Zeblendorf,
Kirchstrasse 3,
1000 Berlin 37,
W.H. Germany.
Dear Mr. Rothkegel,
I understand that you are currently looking into the Narconon Drug Rehabilitation Therapy.
It is a sad but true fact that there appears to be very few effective drug rehabilitation programmes in operation throughout the world at this time.
It is my experience that Narconon, which used the technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard, is one of the few programmes to have shown over many years of operation that it can effectively rehabilitate drug addicts so that they once again become valuable and contributive members of our society.
We in Western Australia are fortunate to have recently had a Narconon organization establish itself here. As is the case in many other areas of the world Perth has its own drug abuse problem. In its short time of operation, Narconon Perth has already demonstrated its competence in rehabilitating drug addicts.
I can only assure you that all assistance and support given to Narconon Berlin can only benefit your country.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. B. Bell
Civil Liberties Association
of Western Australia
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