Agencies Join to Combat Drug, Alcohol Use

NEW LONDON—A major campaign to make the public more aware of drug and alcohol use, involving all social service agencies in New London, was launched at this week’s City Council meeting.
Mayor Carl Stoner proclaimed May 15 through June 30 as “Alcohol and Drug Awareness Month” at ceremonies attended by representatives of the agencies involved.
The local campaign is being coordinated by Narconon, a city-based drug rehabilitation program. Planned for this week are drug abuse prevention programs for all sixth graders presented by New London Police Department Youth Officer Odd Krogrud.
He is visiting the Jennings, Harbor, Edgerton, St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s Schools.
Patricia O’Neill of Narconon has scheduled a showing of the film “Born Hooked” and discussion on the long term effects of drugs for New London High School seniors.
“The purpose of this campaign is to get the citizens of New London to actively do something about drug abuse in our city,” said Ms. O’Neill. “We’ve got excellent cooperation on this from the agencies in New London and pamphlets and films from the March of Dimes.
An Anti-Drug Coalition is being formed in southeastern Connecticut during the month. It is open to anyone interested in taking an active part in drug/alcohol education, prevention and rehabilitation.
Information is available from Narconon.
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