Concerned Parents Request Expansion Of Narconon Drug Rehabilitation Program

A group of concerned parents from all over Massachusetts, including Chelsea, have called on Boston Mayor Kevin White to aid in the expansion of the Narconon drug rehabilitation program currently serving greater Boston area addicts in East Boston.
During a meeting at Narconon’s headquarters on 120 London St., members of the newly formed Narconon Parents Association resolved to strongly urge the Mayor, through his drug action council and other means, to aid Narconon in serving a wider spectrum of drug addicts in the Greater Boston area. One woman wrote, “I ask that you help this program to expand any possible way so that more young men and women like my son can become involved.”
The recent event at Narconon included a talk by Director Barbara Bernstein on the history, background of, and methodology employed at Narconon facilities. Narconon is known for its unique method of painless withdrawal and drugless detoxification. A person is helped to confront areas of his or her life that may have led them to drugs through a series of drills and exercises designed specifically for that purpose. The program has been highly successful in the period of time it has been in existence in the area. Narconon itself, has been serving addicts for nearly ten years all over the world. Bernstein stated, “With upwards of 15,000 addicts in the greater Boston area we are interested in expanding Narconon along with other workable programs and joining together in the fight against drug abuse and resultant crime.”
The Narconon Parents Association has been formed to increase public awareness regarding the seriousness of the drug problem in the greater Boston area as well as to promote Narconon as a workable method for getting a person off drugs and back into society as a contributing member. The parents themselves have had their children become addicts and then come off drugs through Narconon. A Mrs. Mc Mann from Norton wrote, “My son has been involved with Narconon since the first of June and I am very pleased with his progress. He is no longer an introvert and his mental attitude is fantastic due to counseling on a one to one basis.”
Among other topics discussed at the meeting was so-called “legalized” drug pushing by psychiatrists running drug rehabilitation programs that only offer more drugs as the solution. Mrs. Nelson from Southbridge, wrote “My son had gone through over 3 years of psychiatry with absolutely no results. The condition only worsened as he used drugs to control my son and drugs, any drugs, in his hands accomplish nothing. The same thing applies to treating with methadone. Why would anyone replace drugs with another drug?” Ms. Bernstein stated “Narconon eliminates the need for drugs entirely in drug rehabilitation. Using drugs to treat drug addiction is like prescribing ice cream and cake for a diet.”
Narconon is open to drug addicts from this area. It is a non-profit center for the treatment of drug addiction. Bernstein plans on expanding the program to include the entire state of Massachusetts.