Parent’s Group Pushes Drug Rehab Expansion

A newly formed Narconon Parent’s Association met this week at the group’s center in New London to discuss plans for expansion of the program in Connecticut.
Narconon is a drug rehabilitation program which claims a high success rate in curing drug addiction and in returning addicts and habitual drug users back into society as productive members. It has been in operation for several years in Connecticut and states that it has outgrown its present facility on Captains Walk in New London.
Attending the initial meeting were the directors of the Narconon program as well as parents representing five families which include offspring who have gone through the Narconon program with great success. The purpose of the Parent’s Association according to the Narconon Executive Director is to “aid in the expansion of Narconon as well as to share their experiences with other who have gone through the anxiety of having sons and daughters on drugs.”
The meeting consisted of a talk by the Director of the program on the history and methodology of Narconon and then shifted to a discussion of the new Narconon facility that the program plans to move into shortly. The parents volunteered their personal time and contributions of furniture to aid in setting up the house which will be a live in facility.
After refreshments, the parents exchanged views on what the Narconon program has done for their sons and daughters. One mother of a 15 year old son took the Narconon Communication Course herself out of curiosity after seeing positive changes in her son. She said, “some of the basic people to people philosophies of L. Ron Hubbard are good underlying philosophics to build relationships on. As a parent, I found the basic program to be helpful to anyone.”
The Narconon program plans on moving into its new facility in the near future and also has plans for statewide expansion due to the high demand of prospective clients.
**See also these articles from 1977: **