Letter from a Member of Congress of the United States House of Representatives

Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
Washington, D.C.
Paul N. McCloskey, Jr.
17th District, California
Mr. Nate Jessup
575 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto, California
Dear Nate:
I enjoyed very much the chance to learn about NARCONON the other day, and want to reiterate that I hope you will not hesitate to let me know if I can ever be of assistance. I plan to call on Lt. Col. Jones in Los Angeles at some early date.
Paul N. McCloskey, Jr.
See more history:
- Norwich Bulletin Article — Handle Living Problems
- San Quentin Times Article — Narconon operating in San Quentin
- Narconon Receives Commendation from California Legislature
- Narconon Praised by City of Los Angeles
- Narconon New Life Helps Criminals and Addicts
- New Orleans Proclamation — 1974
- Article: Queens College Club Forming
- Article: School Head Named to Narconon Board
- Y.O.U. Teams up Against Drugs