Narconon work praised by City of Los Angeles 1974

Description: Westlake Post newspaper aritlce stating The City of Los Angeles commends Narconon with a resolution for its eighth year of work in the fields of drug and alcohol education and abuse prevention restoring lost lives to happy constructive people and using its time and material with prison inmates, aiding them to re-start on the right path as well as community centers, halfway houses, churches and schools. Narconon program 1974
Newspaper Article
Westlake POST
An Adjudicated Newspaper Authorized to Run Legal Advertising
1660 Beverly Blvd.
37-No. 14
Narconon work praised by City
In recognition of the eighth year of Narconon’s work in the fields of drug and alcohol education and abuse prevention, the City Council of Los Angeles has drafted and adopted a resolution highly commending the program.
The following is basically the text of the resolution by the City Council: That the group has restored lost lives into happy constructive persons; exposed material to prison inmates, aiding them to re-start on the right path; providing compassionate personnel for those in need of a friend; and expanding its work and material to halfway houses, community centers, churches and schools. Narconon New Life is located at 827 S. Beacon St.
The Narconon history.