How Much Is Another Man Or Woman’s Freedom Worth To You?

How much do you value a sane society where you could move about any street without fear and where those you love are not threatened by crime or being persuaded to go for an “easy high” on drugs. How much do you thrill at seeing the ecstasy of a man or woman becoming free?
Today men’s lives and the sanity of a society are in jeopardy. In spite of wishful thinking or the illusion things are improving this society is going more out of control, and threats to survival are increasing. If not corrected, this will lead to destruction for all.
It is time for action. It is time to begin to restore this situation, which has deteriorated so badly, to one which is more sane, and nearer the ideal. In this society, drugs/alcohol dependency and criminal behavior are the areas of greatest departure from this ideal. Corrective action must be taken.
Narconon provides the means. Operating in schools, communities and penal institutions across the U.S., it is moving this area of greatest departure toward the ideal. It is a tool. If used well and expanded, it will bring this area of social ruin nearer and nearer to the ideal.
A tool such as Narconon is valuable to the extent it is used. It requires energy and direction to be effective. This must come from those who care enough to do something about this situation.
Narconon works. Those who are using it are delivering you a sane society. If this product is valuable to you, if you want to do more about freeing men and bringing about a more ideal scene, then support Narconon as a volunteer or donor. Your help can make the difference.
Narconon Management Office was privileged to be visited by Mr. Gary Hill, director of CONTACT Inc. Mr. Hill flew in from CONTACT’s Lincoln, Nebraska Office to observe a heroin withdrawal and to look over the Narconon Management Office and the Narconon New Life operation with an operation eye to discovering how the National Jaycee organization can help Narconon.
Mr. Hill expressed the willingness to do everything he could - as a representative of one of the largest and most versatile civic organizations in the United States. Narconon Management 0ffice will send a team to Lincoln, Nebraska to coordinate the efforts on the part of the Jaycees and Narconon to expand the efforts in the ridding of society of the menacing problem that drugs create.
Palo Alto - On 20 May 18 Police Officers from Santa Clara County spent a day learning the Narconon rehabilitation procedures and liked them. Several Santa Clara County probation officers also have been trained and are applying the procedures.
Smyrna, Delaware - Recently the Narconon program in Delaware, ably run by Jack Malahowski and Mike Roylance, compiled statistics on the operation for the last year and a half. 207 people have gone through the program. Of these eighty two have been released. Only eleven of these have had further involvement in the criminal justice system.
Palo Alto - John Brodie and Nate Jessup, Directors of Narconon Palo Alto, presented the Narconon program to twenty superintendents of schools from Santa Clara County on 23 May. Most of them expressed interest in having a program in their school.
Sacramento - The Narconon programs in the Preston Schools for Boys, the O.H. Close School and the Karl Holton School under the able supervision of Mike Lee, Sam Dorshaw, Karen Johnson and Trent Blackburn have doubled in size this last month.
Dulce, N. Mexico - Vic Smith and Harold Lieberg are conducting Narconon courses for approximately thirty five counsellors and other personnel at the Jicarilla Agency, U.S. Dept. of Interior, and Bureau of Indian Affairs. Several of the leaders of the Apache Indian tribe are being trained and doing exceptionally well.
Austin, Texas - A major Narconon drug abuse conference will be held at the Villa Capri on 17 June with John Brodie and Dr. Sarge Gerbodi as featured speakers.
El Paso, Texas - The Rotary Club will hold a luncheon in honor of John Brodie on 18 June and in the evening John will be a speaker at the Narconon Drug Conference in the Cortez Hotel.
Mexico City - A large Narconon Drug Conference will be held on 29 June to make known the excellent results Narconon is achieving in Mexico.
The name Communication Course sounds so simple, and means so much to me now! Knowing that I really have so much deeper an understanding of what it really means to communicate with someone and to have him communicate with me I feel far more powerful than I have ever felt before. Graduating from this Communication Course has given me the push I needed to get out in the world and do things, both for myself and for other people. I know that there is much more to learn and do and I can scarcely wait to get started. Narconon is really fantastic, and I plan to get that news to as many people as I can. I thank everybody who helped me to reach this win!
Success Story T.L.
I just completed two of the practical procedures for the third time and really feel good about it. The handling of originations was really great.
If one applied all technology from Narconon in his everyday life he could be completely at cause over it, there would be a real sense of harmony with everyone he came in contact with.
Life is so very wonderful once you find yourself and the role you are to play in it. With Narconon I found my place in life. Thank you.
Success Story D.T.R.
The week of wins. This week has been the greatest productive week of my professional life, thanks to the training that I have been exposed to through Narconon. Last Saturday I made up statistics sheets on all areas of my work and also I made daily targets on those areas. Wednesday of this week I had made my week’s objectives.
Clients are now calling me for my services-this is unheard of in the Life Insurance business. Thank you.
Success Story L.K.S.
I feel Narconon is the way to success. I feel very confident Narconon can help me be successful in my life. Tonight I feel very good. I wish I didn’t have to go back to my cell.
Success Story E.D.
El Paso citizens became a little safer and some El Pasoians became considerably saner last summer when NARCONON the internationally acclaimed drug abuse rehabilitation program opened its doors to addicts who have been systematically robbing El Paso of money and merchandise to feed the drug dealing machinery of organized crime for many years.
The losses to individual citizens that NARCONON has already prevented by rehabilitating those who must steal to support their habits is typified by this statement by an expert (ex) pickpocket who may have bumped into you at the bank during rush hour. He chose his victims by the number of $100 bills he saw them withdrawing from tellers windows: “I had been using $200 worth of heroin a day for over half of my life. I am now 41 years old and if it hadn’t been for NARCONON I’d have gone on collecting the syndicate tax from people until I died.”
The aim of NARCONON is to achieve more than the restoration of the drug users to his former self; it creates in the individual a greater potential and capability than he ever knew he possessed. And they are succeeding-thus far with no help from the government. The reason why NARCONON has grown at a rate unprecedented by other rehabilitative systems is found in its results-better than 70% success throughout the world since 1966. Critics of NARCONON are never argued with. The people in NARCONON just point at ex-addicts living happy and productive lives. The teachers, (“I know I ’m really reaching my students for the first time now”), the salesmen (“After one week at NARCONON my sales went from the bottom to the top and have stayed there for three months now”), the Nuns (“I recommend that the program be fully supported by anyone who is seriously trying to help a community such as El Paso solve its drug abuse problem”), the school administrators (“I personally see genuine value in offering an elective course in NARCONON techniques of communication to high school students having witnessed their effectiveness”), the soldier (“I now know how promotions are made and I know I can make it without compromising my ethics”), the psychologists (“There is no other system that I have ever seen that holds even the promise of doing what NARCONON does as a matter of routine” ) , the businessmen (“Getting others to share my intention is the best thing my company’s cash/bill ratio has ever had”), and Probation Officers (“NARCONON is incomparably superior to any rehabilitative technique known to me. And it’s so fast”).
NARCONON is big, big news all over the world. Crime and drug abuse recede in direct proportion to NARCONON expansion. And thanks to their taking on “the floodgate” of the Nation’s drug flow, America can look forward to enjoying a safe, drug-free civilization a lot sooner than many people have dared hope. NARCONON, with its unique approach, is the beginning of the end of the “freaked-out” chemical culture.
Written by Brent Davis
Director of Field Operations
Narconon is a Drug Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Program its purpose is to enable all those individuals who have attempted to find freedom through drugs, Crime or social revolt to find it by increasing their abilities and responsibility level instead.
The completion of this purpose is quite an achievement by an inmate who enters Narconon, considering his environment. James V. Bennett, Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, has expressed the negative conditions a man meets when he comes to prison when he said, “We imprison men to punish them, yet hope to reform them. We discipline men to punish them, yet hope to teach them self-reliance. We regiment them and depersonalize them, and yet hope to make them respected individuals. We suppress initiative and independence yet much teach them initiative and independence. We isolate them from normal, law abiding citizens, yet claim our goal is to make them normal, law-abiding citizens. We won’t let them make any choice, but to make the right ones.”
So you can see that any incarcerated man who joins Narconon is taking the first big step in his life to become a respected individual. He sees that the prison system is failing in its goal of rehabilitation so he is doing something about it. The man who joins Narconon does not want to come back to prison. The results of the program have been excellent. The statistics show that this is a program that works. The majority of participants who have been released from prison are leading gainful lives free from drugs or crime. Based on available information the recidivism rate of Narconon participants has been consistently less than 20 percent while the non-participants have a recidivism rate of around 65-75 percent.
Narconon is an antithesis to the prison system as described by James V. Bennett. Narconon reforms where prison punishes. Narconon teaches self-reliance while prisons discipline rigidly. Narconon teaches a man to respect himself even though the prison regiment and depersonalize a man. Narconon teaches initiative and independence while prisons suppress those qualities. Narconon teaches you to make decisions especially correct, while prisons will not let you make any decisions. It should be evident by now that the Narconon approach is a correct one.
It is important to point out at this time that Narconon is a voluntary program that is run by inmates for inmates. So society should cheer that there are men in prison who want to do something about their lives and are doing something about it.
NARCONON MEANS: non-narcosis or the absence of stupor and insensibility. It brings about freedom from drugs and crime.
Narconon is a non-profit organization dedicated to the reduction of drug abuse and crime.
Registered in the State of California.
Copyright 1974 by Narconon United States.