City of Harahan Louisiana Proclaims Narconon Week

WHEREAS, Narconon has been operating programs for eight years in community centers, penal institutions, halfway houses, churches and schools in various locations throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico for the purpose of prevention of drug abuse and crime and rehabilitation of those who have become dependent upon drugs or alcohol, as well as academic failures and school “drop outs”; and
WHEREAS, the problems of drug abuse, alcoholism, criminal behavior patterns and school drop outs has not been successfully handled in Louisiana and better solutions are urgently needed; and
WHEREAS, drug-free detoxification is basic element in Narconon’s methods of withdrawing persons from heroin and other drugs in a relatively painless manner; and
WHEHEAS, Narconon’s newly developed study technology holds great promise for stemming the failure and drop out rate in Louisiana’s Public School system, which has become tragically epidemic; and
WHEREAS, Narconon has established facilities in New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Donaldsonville, Louisiana as a non-profit rehabilitation organization to become trained in or to otherwise use the Narconon methods for the purpose of eliminating these problems from our midst; and
WHEREAS Narconon’s reputation of working well with governmental and private agencies is well established and their desire to share their technology with everyone who is addressing the problems inherent in education and rehabilitation is widely known;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Freddie Wilcox, Mayor of the City of Harahan, Louisiana, do hereby proclaim December 14 through December 20, 1974 to be known as
And urge the citizens and officials of the City of Harahan, Louisiana to become aware of the programs and training offered by Narconon Louisiana.