Number 2, March 1972 - Narconon News is a Publication of the Narconon U.S. Office Narconon is a Non-Profit Organization Incorporated in the State of California
Drugs Threaten Society
Narconon was recently invited to present the program to the Los Angeles County Drug Commission. One of the speakers who followed the Narconon presentation was Judge James Koltz, of the Los Angeles Superior Court. He reported that 70% of the cases he tried were for drug connected offenses.
This high rate of drug connected crime spotlights once again how drug use is destroying countless lives and undermining our society. For many that use them drugs are a personal catastrophe. They may never again enjoy a full awareness of their present time environment or the joys of wholehearted participation in productive activity. For countless others who fall victim to drug induced crimes, drugs spell disaster. In more and more areas of the country it is no longer safe to be on the streets at night. Life or property are continuously threatened.
If no effective measures are taken this situation will get progressively worse. Change is vitally needed before it is too late. You can help bring about this change.
Narconon provides the means to do it. It has demonstrated conclusively that individuals, who have become the most at the effect of, and the most degraded by drugs, can be rehabilitated. Narconon is expanding rapidly. In the last two months the number of programs have tripled, yet it is still being applied on too small a scale to change the overall condition in this society, and to avert disaster. Your support is urgently needed to broaden its application and make it available wherever needed.
Narconon alleviates and ultimately removes the drug problem by eliminating the causes of it. An individual takes drugs to solve problems in his life. These problems can be broadly placed in two categories: something he wants to do or achieve and has been unable to, such as greater awareness, relating to a group, or better communication; or as something he wants to avoid and has been unsuccessful in avoiding, such as fears, feelings of overwhelm, loneliness, etc.
An individual has problems in any area of life to the degree he cannot confront and communicate in that area. On the Narconon program, in a series of practical exercises and objective processes, the individual increases his ability to confront and communicate in all areas of life. As he does, his problems and urge to use drugs diminish until he becomes free of them.
Through your support as members or donors, Narconon expansion and programs become possible. Almost every dollar put into Narconon goes directly into establishing or maintaining a program and freeing individuals from drugs.
Your initiative and flow of support will change conditions in this society. It will once again be safe to be on the streets at night and to move with agreement toward freedom.
The following membership plans are available. All are tax deductible (Narconon was granted IRS tax exempt status as a non-profit Organization in February.)
Entitles member to all publications for one year.
The contributor receives all Narconon publications for 5 years and has a library donated to a program in his name.
The contributor receives all Narconon publications for life and has a library donated to a program in his name.
A new Narconon Program is established in an institution in the Founder’s name, giving full credit to the Founding Member for enabling it to have been brought into existence. This will be (your name) Narconon Program in (name of institution). A Founding Member will receive all publications for life.
Please send your donations or membership subscription to: Narconon, 833 Beacon, Los Angeles, California 90017.
News Of Programs
On Saturday, February 26th, 1972 the Original Chapter at Arizona State Prison held their annual Congress. Members of the Programs in the Main Yard, IER Section and the Safford Conservation Center (100 miles south of ASP) attended. The speakers were William Benitez - Narconon Chairman, Artie Maren - U.S. Supervisor of Narconon, Mark Jones - Director Narconon U.S., Peter Gillham - Arizona State Administrator and Gordon Weinand - Narconon Graduate. Mr. Bill McCune, Arizona State Legislator, gave a short talk on the need for programs of the Narconon type to rehabilitate drug users and stated that he was impressed with Narconon objectives. The Congress was a smashing success as was evidenced by the high tone of the group and the interest and enthusiasm expressed for Narconon by prison and correctional officials as well as the staff and inmates. Plans are being worked on to acquire some land and start a halfway house in Arizona to reinforce the prison programs and expand the reach of Narconon to the public in the area.
The successful activity and expansion of the Original Chapter serves as a model and incentive to all programs going throughout the country.
The Narconon Program at the Youth Training School elected a Board of Officers and posted an Organizing Board. An entertainment program was planned for March 19th with well known musicians Dick Glass and Rick Abao donating their time and the Founder of Narconon, William Benitez as the speaker. The program is going very well and School Officials have commented on the progress made by the inmates in their adjustment inside the institution. Here is an excerpt of a report sent to the Superintendent of the Department of the Youth Authority by Dan Fauchier,
“Appreciation - Narconon, Los Angeles and their participating Supervisors-are to be commended for their work to date and for supplying to YTS not only the promised one Supervisor but four Supervisors to meet the initial needs of participating wards. Mike Armstrong, Head Supervisor, appears enthusiastic and genuine. He communicates and receives respect from the wards. Mike provides a helpful element of control to the group; reports from several Unit II staff indicate that this control appears to last throughout the week.”
A new program has been started on February 28th at the California Institution for Men at Chino. It is being run by Mark Jones and William Fry. There were 21 students on course the first night. At the second meeting on March 6th Frank Sarivalas, a former addict who got off drugs in Detroit, Michigan with the same technology used in Narconon, spoke on Narconon and drug use. His talk was received enthusiastically by the men in the program. They gave him an ovation when he finished and were eager to start on the drills that Frank referred to in his talk. At the third meeting Officers were elected and the Program is progressing very well.
Thanks to the initiative of Phil McCainey and Susan Morgan Narconon in Canada is expanding very rapidly. A successful Drug Seminar was held in January with wide representation throughout the community. Here are some excerpts from their most recent report to the Narconon U.S. Office: “Two TV shows recently done, one, a half hour interview, the other a report on methadone with us as one of the opinion leaders. I am to return with one of the addicts in the program in about three weeks. Spoke with the liaison officer of a prison farm, he has invited us for a conference on rehabilitation next month.” “We have recently rented a seven room apartment with the help of the Department of Social Welfare. We have had the furniture donated by the Ministry of Public Works and a local hospital.” “Our negative recommendation to the Le Dain Commission’s advice that heroin be made legal was picked up by the press and carried nation wide with information on who we were.” As can be seen by these reports things are going very well in Canada for Narconon.
Mexico City, D/Director Narconon Mexico, Emma Sanchez has just been provided a furnished suite of rooms for Narconon by the Government of Mexico and appointed on a Government Post of Director of Narconon in Mexico City. Emma is to be congratulated on this - one of the biggest wins for Narconon to date.
Narconon Expansion
Narconon is expanding at a tremendous rate. In the last two months the number of programs in institutions has tripled. Narconon Programs are now operating in the following institutions and locations and are producing excellent results - 1. Arizona State Prison, Florence, Arizona. 2. Vacaville Medical Facility, Vacaville, California. 3. California Rehabilitation Center, Corona, California. 4. California Institute
for Women, Frontiera, California. 5. Youth Training School, Ontario, California. 6. Safford Conservation Center, Safford, Arizona. 7. California Mens Colony, San Louis Obispo, California. 8. L.A. Area Public Program. 9. California Institution for Men, Chino, California. 10. Boston Naval Brig, Boston, Massachusetts. 11. Boston Alcoholics Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. The last two Programs were established by Jeff Freedman and are being run by Jacobus Chinn.
Jim Meisler, Deputy Director of Narconon in New York, reached a signed agreement with Delaware State Officials for a funded Program in the Delaware Correctional Center in Symrna, Delaware. Jim states that one of the major plus points for getting the program in was - “I pushed very heavy on the idea that the program perpetuated itself. This went along very nicely with their concept of a work program in prison”. A paid position for a supervisor is available in this program and applications are invited now.
Mark Jones, Narconon Director, gave a talk on March 9th to forty staff members of the V.A. Hospital in Brentwood in West Los Angeles. The audience was made up of psychiatrists, psychologists, MDs, Nurses and drug Counselors. The talk was well received and Narconon representatives were invited back for a major presentation at a conference in July. In addition, Narconon Headquarters at 833 Beacon in Los Angeles is piloting a program to handle individuals in the local community who have a drug problem. Dave Lange is runn1ng this program.
Openings for Narconon Programs are being developed in the following areas - Jim Meisler, D/Director, New York, has three Programs ready to go in, one in Delaware and two in New York. In Connecticut Tom Sharp and Dave Congdon have begun steps to get Narconon Programs going and have aligned many community groups to help them do this. A group called PINTO made up of concerned parents of teenagers is interested in setting up a Narconon Program. The Director of a Hartford Community Action Group called ROOTS has expressed interest in getting trained and running a Narconon Program. This group is funded by local Churches and private organizations. Discussions are also being conducted with officials of the Niantic State Prison for Women in Connecticut. In Minneapolis, Mr. David Burke working with Mr. Bob Kyper is finalizing plans for a rehabilitation center in Decatur, Illinois. This week the Narconon U.S. Office received a phone call from the Warden of a Nebraska Prison Complex requesting information on Narconon, Don Hill from Omaha is handling. Mr. Rick Field and Mr. Ken Michales in Denver are working toward putting a Narconon Program in a local reformatory. Conrad and Mary Roesche in Cedar Crest, New Mexico, have expressed interest in and are preparing to start a Narconon Program in an institution in New Mexico. They are busy going over the data and getting in comm lines. Mr. A.R. Klemm Jr. in Winter Haven, Florida, is actively promoting Narconon in his area, laying the groundwork for a Program later. Dr. Allen Collins, in Detroit, is continuing with plans for a Public Drug Rehabilitation Center in Detroit, Michigan. He plans to visit Narconon Headquarters this month and get briefed on the Program and necessary actions.
Narconon Success
“These are my wins: Understanding myself better, confronting things around me, and other people. And I feel really good about this program, I’ve been on drugs for 8 years and I feel like I don’t really have to have them any more.”
Ricky Martello, YTS
“I feel enthusiastic toward work now. I feel more alert and need much less sleep to function on. I feel good toward my fellow man now because I understand where he’s coming from mentally. I feel good toward the Universe now because I know my place in it. I feel more content now and could probably fill a number of these pages up with changes due to wins. Everything makes sense now.”
Allen Delk, YTS
“No man is happy without a goal, and no man can be happy without faith in his own ability to reach that goal.” - L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright © 1972 - Narconon Inc. All Rights Reserved.
More History Articles:
- Hawaii
- Helping in Nineteen Prisons
- Article: Hope of Treatment for Addicts through Narconon
- International Drug Symposium Award
- Intra-Science Research Foundation Awards Director of Narconon - 1972
- Article in Las Vegas Sun: LV Group Begins new Drug Abuse Program
- Letter to Narconon from State of California Dept of Youth Authority
- Toronto Article - Max Getting Off Drugs
- Minister endorses Narconon
- Narconon Chapter in Delaware