Letter from State of California Dept of Youth Authority

Description: Letter from the State of California Department of Youth Authority with the preliminary survey of results of the Narconon Drug Rehabilitation Program in the Youth Training School states that from their preliminary research survey on the YTS Narconon Program (1972).
State of California
June 14, 1972
Lt. Col. Mark Jones
833 Beacon Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90017
Dear Mr. Jones:
Attached please find a copy of our preliminary research survey on the YTS Narconon Program. Although its results should not be viewed as positive proof of Narconon effectiveness, they do seem to strongly indicate that Narconon is having a very positive and beneficial effect in increasing the socially-desirable behavior of its participants both in trade classes and on the living units.
Copies of this survey are being sent to the Superintendent, Mr. Robert McKibben; related staff; and Steve Golden, YA Central Office, with whom we are developing the program memorandum on funding alternatives.
A second copy of the survey is enclosed for Mike Armstrong.
I am looking forward to our meeting next Wednesday, June 21, 1972, at 3:30 p.m.
Very truly yours,
ROBERT L. MC KIBBEN, Superintendent
Dan Fauchier
Administrative Assistant
The Narconon history.