A Former City Police Commissioner Recommends Narconon

October 20, 1972
I am Patrick H. Price, former Police commissioner and ex-Vice Mayor of Burbank, California. I have been most active in a civic and public service capacity for the past twenty years.
Because of my background in law enforcement, I am quite excited about a group in Arizona State Prison, California and elsewhere in the U.S. who are doing a fantastic job in the area of rehabilitation. This group is called “Narconon”. They have been in existence for approximately 6 years now and have produced some quite fascinating results. I first learned of this group’s activities about three years ago, and have followed their progress with extreme interest. Their program is one of study and discussion with individuals and practical participation.
At present, I think the most important note I can make in this explanatory, but brief, letter is that the rate of recidivism is extremely low in comparison to other studies of statistics of similar groups. The percentage of success is 85 percent. I believe this is a fantastic statistic and their whole program merits attention.
I enclose for your interest a recent newsletter published by the men of Narconon themselves. I believe it conveys the spirit and high activity of the men and their studies. Also enclosed is a pamphlet containing further Narconon information.
Narconon originally began as a rehabilitative group for narcotic offenders. However, because of the success these men were having within the courses, it has now expanded to inmates who are not solely incarcerated for narcotic offenses. Non-prison Narconon street programs are also operating with great success.
I am well aware that there are dozens upon dozens of institutional and street programs designed to cover the areas of behavioral and drug abuse rehabilitation. I am also aware that some of these programs are effective. I wish to communicate in closing that I feel the Narconon program has tremendous value for the achievement of the above goals in our country. The Narconon program is no longer theory; it is in action, producing verifiable results every day.
I would be most pleased to discuss this most vital program further with you.
Patrick H. Price