El Saguaro June 30 1970 page 7
Success and Narconon
In applying the formula of non-existence my name is Don Mesaros my number is 26285. I am the Senior Chairman of NARCONON. If there is any way that I may be able to help you please let me know.
Further it has been brought to my attention that there are many inmates here at A.S.P. that are not familiar with NARCONON or its function.
NARCONON is not only for people with a specific problem. It is for anyone who would like to be better. We have courses such as the Personal Efficiency Course. In studying this course and applying what I learned I found out what takes place when you want to do something and if something goes wrong how to correct it. I learned about communication. Which is something that many people in this day and age talk about, but so few, who really understand. Did you know that communication has an exact formula, and that if followed two people who are even hostile to each other can resolve their differences.
I now have an exact definition, of Reality. Something I was told to face in the past but which no one I talked to was able to fully explain.
I also learned of responsibility and what part I play in relation to it. These are just a few of the wins I had, from taking this course. All who have taken it have at the end been much richer in understanding and more able to cope with their environment both, while inside and outside of Prison.
We have several more courses all of which help a man to be more able: By increasing his understanding in himself and the world around him. By giving him the exact tools to make things happen for him not to him.
NARCONON is a beautiful adventure designed for the man who cares enough about himself to recognize the need for improvement. And wants to DO something about it. DO YOU? Come to NARCONON and find out where it is at.