Drug Rehab for Lexington, Kentucky

An addict is not in control of his life. He (or she) is compulsively seeking drugs or alcohol despite all the consequences that come from the addiction to these substances. Physically, he may be quite ill. His actions are unpredictable. He loses friendships he has developed over his lifetime and possibly has lost jobs due to his drug use. His life, overall, is a shambles.
Eventually an addict may come to realize he needs help. This will usually occur after he hits rock bottom, such as going to jail or ending up in the emergency room. However, often it is the family who seeks help and tries to locate an effective drug rehab facility where they can send him – one where he can find lasting recovery. Lexington, Kentucky families need a drug rehab that is very successful in providing lasting sobriety and gives an addict a chance to live a life where he never has to turn to drugs or alcohol again. Narconon Arrowhead is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center that does just that.

Narconon Arrowhead and a Highly Successful Program of Recovery
Lexington, Kentucky like other cities in the state has a real drug problem. In 2012 alone, more than 16,000 people from the state went into treatment for drugs or alcohol, with the greatest amount of treatment admissions for alcohol, followed closely by prescription opiates. In addition, the drug-related crime and violence that is prevalent in the region can involve addicts in dangerous situations every day. Communities suffer from increases in burglaries and thefts due to addicts trying to get money for their next fix or drink. A sad fact is there are around 7,500 babies born every year in Kentucky who are addicted to drugs.
Narconon Arrowhead is only a day’s drive from Lexington. At this lakeside residential facility located Canadian, Oklahoma, an addict will experience a program that treats him both in body and mind, addressing the physical and mental dependencies on drugs or alcohol. The lifestyle of an addict ruins his skills at coping with life, and this is a large part of the recovery program at Narconon Arrowhead. When the recovering addict goes through effective life skills training, he gains confidence when done that he can go back home and live a drug-free life.
The Program at Narconon Arrowhead
Moving through the program at Narconon Arrowhead is unlike any other rehabilitation program. The difference is noted by those who have tried other rehab programs and failed to stay clean and sober. They most often comment on two major factors that contributed to them coming through the Narconon program and realizing they would never do drugs or alcohol again. These factors are the sauna detox and the life skills training.
First, of course, comes withdrawal. The withdrawal at Narconon Arrowhead consists of nutritional support, relaxation techniques and one-on-one care by the trained staff. After the withdrawal phase, the recovering addict does the Narconon New Life Detoxification. Here is where toxic drug residues are flushed from the body through a unique process of spending time in a sauna, exercising and taking a very strictly controlled combination of nutritional supplements. Many find that cravings can be greatly reduced by no longer having these residual drug toxins in the system.
The final step in the Narconon recovery program is life skills training. With a series of courses, the recovering individual is provided reliable tools so he can return home drug-free and confident he can stay that way.
One of the major barriers to recovery is guilt. A person who has been addicted to drugs or alcohol commits many harmful actions while living an addicted lifestyle. He thus carries guilt for these misdeeds with him into the future unless addressed.
Addressing a recovering addict’s guilt occurs during the life skills training in this final phase of the Narconon Arrowhead program. One course which is essential in addressing guilt of past misdeeds is the Personal Values Course. Here the recovering addict learns what personal ethics really is, how he lost his integrity, and how to restore it. He gains relief from his guilt as well as improves his ability to create a new life for himself.
Saving Addicted Lives
Sometimes parents of addicts think they have lost their loved one forever. However, this is far from the truth. The person they love is still there, just obscured by addiction. Once the recovering addict finishes the program at Narconon Arrowhead, he can live a happy and healthy life again. He can enjoy life and move forward into the future. He knows he will no longer need to turn to drugs or alcohol to face the twists and turns that life throws at him. He has solutions for difficulties he may encounter.
Narconon Arrowhead saves addicted lives every day and is very proud of those that finish the program and return home to become valuable and creative members of their community.