Drug Rehab for Louisville, Kentucky

An addict seems to change day to day, first begging for help with his (or her) addiction, then refusing to talk to loved ones and even disappearing. Parents are heartbroken as they try so hard to help only to be rejected. They watch their loved one sink into a state of depression and misery, losing all the dreams and goals he had and giving up on everything. It is devastating to watch this happen to a son, daughter or spouse. But luckily there are some drug or alcohol rehabilitation programs which can achieve a full and lasting recovery from addiction. Narconon Arrowhead is one of these programs.

Lasting Recovery at Narconon Arrowhead
Narconon Arrowhead is a day’s drive from Louisville and is a beautiful residential center in Canadian, Oklahoma, next to a large lake and surrounded by rolling hills and blue skies. The addict has a better chance of recovery when at a facility a distance from his daily environment as if he is close to his old neighborhood, it is too easy to give up and go back to his existence of substance abuse.
The Narconon Arrowhead program is an alternative rehab program which addresses key aspects of addiction, from the symptoms of withdrawal and the toxic drug residues that build up in the body to the need for a recovering addict to have effective life skills in place when he returns home.
A key part of the program is the life skills training provided each participant. With a series of unique courses, the recovering addict learns not only how he got into this position in the first place, but he also finds out how he can restore relationships damaged in his past addicted lifestyle and how to rebuild his life, but this time without drugs or alcohol.
One of the courses he studies is the Personal Values Course. This is a study which gives the student the way to take responsibility for his actions, a huge step from the blame put everywhere else during the time he was addicted. He learns what integrity is, and in so doing, his own personal values increase greatly. His guilt fades away and he can see how to make up for his past misdeeds.
Another important course is the Ups and Downs Course. A person who is recovering from drug or alcohol addiction must learn how to change the poor and negative attitudes he developed while addicted. These negative attitudes led him to pull away from those who were honest and ethical in his life and tended towards developing relationships with those who condoned and agreed with his drug use. On this course, the student learns to differentiate between those who will support his sobriety and those who would drag him back into a life of substance abuse. He can better choose associates and friends.
Leading a Fulfilling and Productive Life after Addiction
Kentucky faces many challenges with the many drugs available to those of all ages. Prescription drug abuse is on the rise. Cocaine is available in all the metropolitan areas, including Louisville. The production and distribution of methamphetamine is a significant problem throughout the state. A drug rehab program must be available to all citizens so addiction can be done away with, completely and thoroughly.
Narconon Arrowhead is proud to serve Kentucky residents so addicts can gain back control of their lives and find happiness once again. Narconon Arrowhead is an ideal choice for all of Louisville as one of the most effective drug and alcohol rehab programs around.
Louisville Kentucky Needs to Address Area Addicts
Just as other cities in Kentucky, Louisville is no stranger to the crime and violence that accompany drug abuse and addiction. Throughout the state, addicts enter treatment in high numbers to get away from this lifestyle and shed their addictions. In fact, in 2012, more than 16,000 Kentuckians entered rehab centers to get clean and sober. The number of people going to rehab for alcohol abuse was approximately the same as those needing help with prescription opiate abuse. Louisville has a need for effective and lasting recovery and Narconon Arrowhead provides that to area addicts.