Narconon Blog


Ren in Drug Education
September 22, 2019

Drinking and Marijuana Use Results in Increased Tobacco Consumption in Some Individuals

A healthy lifestyle is always preferred over an unhealthy one. As we go through life, we try to be as healthy as we can. Those intentions are, of course, strongly affected by a wide variety of factors. These include socioeconomic condition, genetic endowment, upbringing, geographic location, peer environment, available resources, etc. Still, we do the best that we can with the resources available.


Ren in Legislation
June 12, 2019

Decriminalization, Legalization, or Diversion—What’s the Right Solution?

As our great nation continues to struggle with a sweeping drug problem, the American people have attempted to create new ways and means of addressing that problem. Not all such approaches have been successful or sensible.


Karen in Drug Education
March 19, 2018

Is There Really Such a Thing as a “Gateway Drug”?

Most people have some kind of understanding of the idea of a gateway drugs—drugs that that are likely to lead to the use of more dangerous, deadly and addictive drugs. But some people argue that the gateway concept does not exist. Is this true or is this claim a dangerous muddling of the truth?


Karen in Drug Rehab
March 9, 2018

7 Reasons We Must Avoid “Tunnel Vision” as We Fight Addiction

As we work to solve America’s problems with drug addiction and overdoses, there’s an intense focus on opioids alone. Letting ourselves develop this kind of tunnel vision could result in our overlooking some truly vital aspects of our nation’s problems with drugs and addiction.