Narconon Blog


Addiction in the World

When we examine drug and alcohol addiction as a severe humanitarian crisis, the first place we’re going to look is within our own families. We’ll check close to home, as this is the area that impacts our lives the most.


Ren in Opioid Crisis
May 25, 2019

The Opioid Update

Just about every day when I turn on the news, I see some update or media clip regarding the opioid addiction epidemic. Everywhere we look, opioid addiction disrupts our civilization and stains our communities with its toxic hold on millions of Americans. Our country is in the midst of a crisis.


Is Addiction Really a Form of Suicide?

I was recently on a short trip and the motel I stayed at gave patrons a complimentary copy of USA TODAY. I generally don’t like to read newspapers because all they put in the papers is bad news and I don’t think a lot of it is even true, let alone news.


Ren in Legislation
February 9, 2019

Criminal Prosecution For Drug Crimes Should Result in Drug Rehabilitation—Not Jail

There was a recent article in the Washington Post which caught my eye. The report was about county prosecutor candidates competing for votes in Virginia. The article discussed the layered nuances of criminality and drug use.


Ren in Opioids
February 5, 2019

Synthetic Opioids — The Drugs Responsible for Most of the Overdose Deaths in 2017

The U.S. struggles in the grip of an opioid crisis—perhaps the worst addiction epidemic that our nation has ever seen. And in the last few years, a new strain of opioids has entered the scene, creating a surge in the addiction crisis and a resulting spike in the death toll.


Direct to Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising

According to a Washington Post article published February 2015, the United States and New Zealand are the only two countries that allow direct to consumer advertising for pharmaceutical products.


Karen in Drug Information
September 14, 2018

New American Survey Shows Fewer Women Using Drugs, But Men’s Use Increases

The new National Survey on Drug Use and Health has just been released, and a careful study of these results shows that while men’s use has increased in most categories of drugs, women’s use has fallen in most. We take a look at some of the possible reasons for these changes.


Karen in Drug overdoses
April 23, 2018

Why this “Flat Graph” is Only Partly Good News

The CDC maintains a running tally of the number of lives lost to drug overdoses in the United States. The last few months, a chart of these numbers is nearly flat, showing a pause in the rampant increases of prior months. Why isn’t this totally fabulous news?


Karen in Drug overdoses
March 20, 2018

Are We Doing Enough Yet to Halt the Opioid Overdose Epidemic?

This a vitally important question to ask. Just talk to any parent who has lost a child to an overdose. A recent report from the CDC indicates that as yet, we are seeing more wreckage resulting from drug addiction, not less, meaning we have much more work to do.


Karen in Drug overdoses
March 8, 2018

The ONE Thing You Need to Know about the Opioid Epidemic

There’s one simple fact that is more important than all others on the subject of our opioid epidemic…