Narconon Blog


Ren in Resource Guide
April 16, 2020

How Do You Help Your Son or Daughter Stay Sober After Rehab?

Before a son or daughter gets into rehab, parents worry about an overdose. After a son or daughter completes rehab, parents worry about a relapse. What can YOU do, as a parent, to ensure your son or daughter has a healthy and relapse-free life?


Ren in Drug Education
January 29, 2019

Is Drug Abuse the Result of Bad Parenting or a Lack of Drug Education?

Wouldn’t it be incredible if a parent could look their child in the eye and know, just know , exactly what was going to become a problem for that child in the future? Every parent wants to set their kids up for a successful and happy life just as much as they can.


Ren in Effects on children
December 7, 2018

We Need to Help the Kids of Drug-Addicted Parents

We all know the story of addiction. If we haven’t seen this happen to ourselves or to someone else first-hand, we’ve certainly heard from a close family member or a loved what it’s like for them to watch one of their loved ones struggle with addiction.


Ren in Drug prevention
December 6, 2018

Teen Drinking and How to Prevent It

No parent wants to find out that their teen has a drinking problem. Parents want the best for their kids. Parents want their kids to have healthy and rewarding lifestyles, to do well in school and in activities of their own choosing, and to experience adolescence and young adulthood in a way that sets them up for a rewarding and pleasant adult life. But teen drinking throws a monkey wrench into the best-laid plans…


Ren in Family Help
November 17, 2018

Are We Overmedicating Kids with Addictive Drugs?

It is completely normal for us parents to be more than a little bit concerned with protecting our children’s health. We want our kids to be healthy, happy, and to live well. And being healthy means a whole lot more than just being physically healthy too. It also means being mentally healthy.


Karen in Drug prevention
July 31, 2018

Signs to Watch for to Tell if Your Teen is Using Drugs

One of the most common phenomena I’ve come across is parents who don’t realize that their teenaged or young adult child is using drugs. It’s easy to miss because there are a lot of changes during these years. It’s important for parents to know the subtle and not-so-subtle signs to look for that indicate drug use.


Karen in Drug Prevention
June 25, 2018

The Subtle, Invisible and Deadly Pressure to Remain Silent

There’s nothing so awfully bad about keeping your cards close to your chest. You don’t have to reveal everything you know to everyone. But in this world we live in today, there is simply way too much silence.


Karen in Marijuana
April 10, 2018

Marijuana and Children: Household Pot Use Can Result in Detectable Levels of THC in Kids

How many marijuana-using parents think their children might test positive for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)? Through use by pregnant or nursing women, exposure to secondhand smoke or from picking up edibles around the house, children can be exposed to plenty of THC—and the drug may not be so quick to be eliminated from their bodies.


Ren in Drug prevention
March 10, 2018

What Every Parent REALLY NEEDS to Know to Prevent Overdoses in Teens and Young Adults

While some areas of drug use in the U.S. have decreased considerably amongst young adults, one significant figure that has not decreased is that of teen overdoses.


Karen in Drug Information
February 20, 2018

What is the Right Jail Sentence for Dealers of Deadly Fentanyl?

In January 2018 in New Jersey, two men were sentenced for possession of enough fentanyl to wipe our New Jersey and New York City. Did they get the right jail sentences for traffickers with that much of a deadly drug?