Narconon Blog


Ren in Opioid Crisis
July 15, 2021

Are Medical Practitioners Still Overprescribing Opioids?

The foremost commitment of any medical practitioner is to do no harm, and the vast majority of physicians hold to that. But what happens when the very drugs doctors prescribe are harmful?


Karen in Drug-Related News
April 18, 2020

We’re Limiting Prescriptions of Opioid Painkillers—But What About Benzodiazepines?

Any time we try to solve the drug problem, we have to look at the whole of the problem, not just one drug. Have you ever been to a carnival and played the game called “whack-a-mole”? This game consists of a large board with holes through which mechanical moles stick their heads, one after another.


Ren in Opioid Crisis
April 7, 2020

How a Surge in Opiate Misuse in the Netherlands Compares to the American Opiate Epidemic

For some time, the U.S. drug problem has seemed entirely unique. But now, similar problems are beginning to develop in Europe. How will European countries tackle their drug problems?


Ren in Prescription drugs
July 14, 2019

An Overview of Nations, Looking at the Prescription Drug Problem on a Global Scale

Drug addiction in the United States is an expanding problem. While we might not want to admit it, much of what created the addiction epidemic that we face today was the rapid expansion of the pharmaceutical industry, the lack of regulation in that industry, and the mass proliferation of addictive pharmaceuticals (such as opioid painkillers) into the hands of the American people.


Ren in Prescription drugs
June 19, 2019

How Might Doctors Refocus Post-Operation Opioid Prescribing?

Opioid addiction is the most discussed, most concerning, and most lethal drug addiction problem in the United States today. News of opioid dependence hits media headlines weekly. It is a national public health emergency that threatens the very viability of our country.


Ren in Opioid Crisis
May 25, 2019

The Opioid Update

Just about every day when I turn on the news, I see some update or media clip regarding the opioid addiction epidemic. Everywhere we look, opioid addiction disrupts our civilization and stains our communities with its toxic hold on millions of Americans. Our country is in the midst of a crisis.


Ren in Opioid Crisis
March 11, 2019

New Study Finds that Fentanyl Is Grossly Overprescribed

The term “over-prescribing” is one we hear with frequency today. Over-prescribing is a phenomenon where a doctor administers a prescription for too much of a drug. Such can manifest by a doctor giving a patient a medicine for too long…


Ren in Prescription drugs
November 22, 2018

The Need to Reduce Opioid Overprescribing

Our country is struggling with a serious opioid dependence problem, a problem that has been contributed to exorbitantly by excessive and ongoing over prescribing of opioid pain relievers.


Ren in Drug Prevention
October 30, 2018

Tools for Preventing Drug Use in One’s Community

The subject of drug and alcohol abuse is one that we don’t like to talk about much, probably because it always feels like the “Unsolvable Problem“ of human nature. Case in point, there is the general datum that just about everyone knows that they shouldn’t use drugs and misuse alcohol, yet millions of Americans still do so. Why is this?


Ren in Prescription drugs
October 23, 2018

The Importance of Taking Care of Our Health Without Falling Prey to Overmedication

We live in a very peculiar, very unique time in society right now. Let’s look at this. In the United States, our medicine and our approaches to health are more incredibly advanced than they have ever been in our history. Yet in that same token, the problems that we face and the threats to our health are also possibly more severe than they have been in many decades. And at the end of the day, the American people do not have nearly as high of a health ranking as they should, given our technology and medical prowess. Why is this?