Narconon Blog


Ren in Opioid Crisis
May 25, 2019

The Opioid Update

Just about every day when I turn on the news, I see some update or media clip regarding the opioid addiction epidemic. Everywhere we look, opioid addiction disrupts our civilization and stains our communities with its toxic hold on millions of Americans. Our country is in the midst of a crisis.


Ren in Opioids
February 5, 2019

Synthetic Opioids — The Drugs Responsible for Most of the Overdose Deaths in 2017

The U.S. struggles in the grip of an opioid crisis—perhaps the worst addiction epidemic that our nation has ever seen. And in the last few years, a new strain of opioids has entered the scene, creating a surge in the addiction crisis and a resulting spike in the death toll.


Karen in Opioid Crisis
July 24, 2018

A Story at the Tragic Heart of our Opioid Epidemic

Sometimes, we can put a human face on an individual opioid overdose. Sometimes we can trace the person’s path into addiction and the loss of life. One such story reveals why it’s wrong to condemn or label a person who becomes addicted.


Ren in Opioids
June 20, 2018

Facts About Heroin: What You Need to Know

Heroin. Just the name of the drug itself creates concern and perhaps a touch of morbidity in those who hear it. Heroin has been the bane of life for millions, one of the oldest and most deadly drugs still in use today.


Karen in Drug Information
January 13, 2017

2016: The Year in Review

When your work is helping the addicted recover their sobriety, today’s newspapers and magazines don’t bring you a lot of good news. There are warnings of drugs currently taking lives, drug use trends to tell us where we need improvement. Here’s what we witnessed in 2016.