Narconon Blog
Eliminating Health Problems Could Start with Eliminating Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Drug use and excessive alcohol consumption cause and worsen a very long list of physical and mental illnesses. To maintain a healthy life, avoiding drug use, or recovering from addiction, are vital first steps.
Are Some Drugs Worse than Others?—An Honest Look at Different Substances
Sometimes we hear this idea tossed around that, “Not all drugs are created equal,” or “Not all drugs are the same, some are worse than others.” We have to be careful with this concept because it precludes the general fundamental truth that all drugs are unhealthy and risky.
The Ever-Changing World of Deadly Drugs and Addiction
In the world of drug use and addiction, only one thing is certain: This world will never stop changing. New drugs will appear and old ones will fade away. Supply and demand will ebb and flow. The only way to stay safe and protect your family is to stay aware of the changes that might affect your loved ones.