Narconon Blog
Medication-Assisted Treatment: A “Solution” that Has Never Solved the Problem
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is the use of prescribed drugs to help a person break free from addiction to some other drug. While MAT makes plenty of money for pharmaceutical companies and prescribers, it may not be so great for those taking the drug.
The Drugs Most Likely to Appear in an Overdose
If there is one thing that we can be absolutely certain of when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction in the United States, it is that we are far worse off with this problem than we were twenty years ago.
Why this “Flat Graph” is Only Partly Good News
The CDC maintains a running tally of the number of lives lost to drug overdoses in the United States. The last few months, a chart of these numbers is nearly flat, showing a pause in the rampant increases of prior months. Why isn’t this totally fabulous news?
Life on Suboxone: Not as Pretty as the Brochures Make You Think
You’ve probably heard of Suboxone. But maybe you haven’t heard from its users what it’s like to break free from this drug. Chances are you won’t hear the real tale from anyone unless they’ve gone through it.
Magic Bullet to Addiction?
For the last few decades, one drug rehab expert after another has taken center stage to make claims about breakthroughs in solving addiction. Is the latest claim about medication-assisted treatment any better than old claims?
“Rogue” Suboxone Clinics Impede Real Recovery in Kentucky
In Kentucky, the Attorney General is taking on businesses distributing Suboxone the wrong way and working on legislation that would force them to do it the right way.
The Full Spectrum of Care for the Addicted
In the world of addiction treatment, there is a full spectrum of care available, a spectrum that extends from a program that tries to prevent harm as you continue to use drugs, all the way to programs with the goal of restoring the ability to live a fully drug-free life.